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Imperialis (IMP) was created on February 28th, 2025 with one goal: building a prosperous and vibrant community of all people to communicate and interact with each other. Through unity, we forge our own futures through Orbis. We seek newcomers and veterans of the game alike, and hope to give them any guidance and assistance that they require on their journey with us. All citizens of Imperialis are one and have a voice within it.

The alliance was created on the core principles of fast growth, easy access to education material, and a steadily growing community that forges tight connections and bonds with each other that only strength us further.

"Strength, Honor, Growth."


Imperial Leadership

Imperator: Klarin, Reefy

Grand Vizier: Orange

Imperial Ministries

Minister of Education: Vacant

Minister of Defense: Vacant

Minister of State: Vacant

Minister of Economy: Vacant


Imperialis will defend against attacks on any of our members or applicants, regardless of perceived activity, with equal force. For diplomatic inquiries, please message Klarin (@kklarin) or Reefy (@reeefy) on Discord for more information.

Protected by The Golden Horde

ODoAP with SFR Yugoslavia


Imperialis is accepting of all new members to our alliance. Applicants must join our Discord server to initiate a quick interview with a member of our Internal Affairs team.


1) Join the Discord server

2) Initiate an application through the ticket system in #✅┃front-desk

3) Wait for a member of Internal Affairs to interview you


Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status

This alliance has an alliance-member only market.