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Sons of Viceroy


We believe in the vision JFK had in our nation, and his Catholic values. We uphold these to the highest extent. We hold going to Jackson’s office to be vice, and being greeted by Mr Viceroy in his office the greatest honor. Pax

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Sons of Viceroy
God-King Viceroys Chosen: Joachim Murat
God-Queen Jacksons Chosen: Concubine , Caligula
Founded: 02/02/2025 (35 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Purple Hue
Members: 4
Alliance Rank: #200 of 481 (41.58%)
Score: 3,066.50
Avg Score: 766.63
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 1 (25%)
Gray Nations: 3 (75%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 23
Total Infrastructure: 36,020.42
Total Land: 36,200.00
Total GDP: $3,054,997,746
Total GNI: $4,515,401
Total Soldiers: 0
Total Tanks: 0
Total Aircraft: 0
Total Ships: 126
Total Spies: 23
Total Missiles: 0
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 70
Wars Lost: 23
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text

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