View Alliance
The Hanseatic League



An alliance for newbies by newbies.

Laissez-faire is our main internal policy, meaning that we don't care about what you do as long as you make the alliance a profit.


The Hanseatic League maintains rights to protect its members in the face of raids or other wars.



Discord is necessary for joining the Hanseatic League, as it allows for tactical advantages in the face of conflict and to communicate efficiently


Diplomacy is held through contacting @visbyhanseatic on Discord.

Do not message in-game.


Apply in-game and join the discord, then find a channel labelled #apply in Foreign Affairs and make a ticket.

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status

This alliance has an alliance-member only market.