View Alliance
North Atlantic Treaty Organization


                                                                            Discord is not mandatory!

All applicants can join! After they join, they will receive a message from the leader titled ‘A few questions’ please answer two questions : How will you contribute to us and our alliance and who will be your ambassador / Permanent Representative!

We are neutral unless attacked.

We are consecrated property.

Any attacks will cause an all out war. Especially targetive attacks.


Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status
The Eternity11/15/20243red801.762,405.28Pending
pink chicken animations12/09/20243lime758.382,275.14Active
The bounty hunters12/26/20241aqua943.43943.43Active
United nations of the orbis12/26/20246blue825.764,954.57Active
Galactic Empire12/28/20245black1,124.215,621.07Active
Western Connection01/13/20252black899.831,799.66Active
United Balkan States01/15/20253red547.261,641.77Active