Organization of United Pact |
Our Mission and Purpose The Organization of United Pact's Mission is to create a peaceful, welcoming, and powerful community as well as protecting new players and experienced players for both offensive and defensive combat with the intention of being ready for all kinds of threat, with the purpose of making a great alliance and with the hopes of being a powerful, effective, yet polite community in Orbis.
Motto: In God And Liberty We Trust
The Governing Leaders of the United Pact:
President of Alliance: JL Heykunn (The Republic)
(Temporarily Inactive) Muliawan Shukshin (Finlaska) Vice-President of Alliance: On Vacation
The Executive Heads Of Ministries Of The United Pact
Alliance Millitary Affairs Executive Head: Iceix Calingran (The Soltin Republic) Alliance Economy Affairs Executive Head: (Temporarily President) JL Heykunn (The Republic) Alliance Foreign Affairs Exective Head: Bronsel (C-S-F-I) Alliance Internal Affairs Executive Head: Position Empty Alliance Millitary Affairs Members: Position Empty Alliance Economy Affairs Members: Position Empty Alliance Foreign Affairs Members: Position Empty Alliance Internal Affairs Members: Position Empty The Civil Officer Members of The United Pact
Civil Officer Members: Position Empty
The Applicant Recruiter Officer Members: Positions Empty
Raiding Policy In Alliance: The United Pact Does Not Tolerate Raiding Between Its Members.
Treaty Policy In Alliance: The United Pact Accepts All Kinds Of Treaties.
Countering Policy In Alliance The United Pact Members Have The Rughts To Counter Nations In A Defensive Act Against Agression From Other Nations Inflicted Upon The United Pact's Members and applicants.
Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.
Alliance Name | Date | Members | Color | Average Score | Score | Status | United nations of the orbis | 10/19/2024 | 5 | 674.02 | 3,370.09 | Smoking Snakes | 12/02/2024 | 12 | 1,416.50 | 16,998.03 |