Neo-Comintern | |||
Welcome to our dear alliance, founded in the glorious year of 2024! Our alliance goal is to spread the communist ideology to the world! Achieving is mandatory, and over-achieving is fame! Join us and let us unite in friendship and labor!
General Secretary General Secretary Joyhyunki of the Nova Aurum Union Chief Operative President Vitalik Abramov of Venatriya Congressmen Supreme Leader Richard Yeagar of the Evergar Comrades GreatRevolutionary Jacob Herodth of Termia, Supreme Leader Isaiah Perez of Costa Luca, General Secretary Renars of the People's Republic of LCCP, Tsar Boris Jay of the Blinikov Union, Emperor Kaz Nevsky of Kazeda
DISCORD is not mandatory, but we do have one. The Invitation Link. All messages can happen inside the web if you prefer, so there's no pressure. However, we ask that you participate in bulletins. Join the Discord to improve the response time for bank loan requests, war assistance, and to easily chat with other members or our allies via their embassies. Our alliance is in an early stage! Join now and get the alliance jobs. Join just after me and you have the power to discuss and mold this alliance however you like. Grants and loans are very progressive and managed accurately. The bank is highly secure. Certain events for more profit for your nation. Join us in our fight, brothers! Tovarishch! ANY KINDS OF ATTACK OR ESPIONAGE WILL BE COUNTERED EVEN IF THE VICTIM IS INACTIVE. |
Showing 0-50 of 36 Wars