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Founded by the Elite, Forged in the crucible of battle, our ranks are comprised of the finest warriors known to Orbis. We are the epitome of excellence, the guardians of order, and the vanguard of victory. 


We are 86 and we have come to vanquish our foes.

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Important Note 

If any nation seeks peace with the 86ers. They should reach out to them individually

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86ers trust no one but are willing to enter into mutually beneficial treaties, any alliance looking to reach out should contact Dispatch.

To all aspiring 86ers, check your inbox for messages from Dispatch

"The difference between a 86er and others, is that the 86er has nothing left to lose and everything to gain from war."

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

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