View Alliance
Movimento Referencista


Alternativa a LATAM

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Movimento Referencista (PMR)
Lider: General Anhanguera
Founded: 12/04/2023 (455 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Pirate Black
Members: 2
Alliance Rank: #226 of 479 (47.18%)
Score: 2,009.29
Avg Score: 1,004.65
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 1 (50%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 13
Total Infrastructure: 17,195.50
Total Land: 22,150.00
Total GDP: $2,548,601,788
Total GNI: $4,692,722
Total Soldiers: 91,000
Total Tanks: 5,000
Total Aircraft: 300
Total Ships: 48
Total Spies: 56
Total Missiles: 8
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 4
Wars Lost: 129
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
PIAT The Hand of FateN/A