Pokimans |
Welcome to Pokimans, the alliance for Pokemon fans and everyone else. Here you'll find a bit of everything, so there'll certainly be something for you. This is an alliance that will not shy away from war, far from it. We offer protection but, at the same time, members should be willing to counter for their alliance mates and take part in alliance wars. If you're opposed to war, you should look elsewhere. On top of the aforementioned protection, we can guarantee a low tax rate (occasionally there's a possibility of a temporary rise, for instance to replenish the bank depending on the needs, like after a war) - the reason we run taxes in the 1st place is so we have a safety net for wartime and post-war rebuild. Here you won't be treated like a tax farm, your taxes will be put to good use and we tell you exactly what they are for. Furthermore, 100 MILLION will be drawn among our members each month. Finally, we will also offer free grants for 21 cities and many projects, loans, war rewards and loyalty bonuses. Pokimans will be taking a different approach to FA:
Pokimon Master (FA & MA) - Insert Name Here Regional Champion (Econ & IA) - Chara Vela Arch Gym Leader, Econ - Kristopher Law Gym Leader, IA - ChiefHall Message Insert Name Here for all Foreign Affairs
Protected by: Rose
If you like what you see, please join our Discord server and ping @Arch or message Insert Name Here (Alliance Leader) in game. Note to raiders: attacks on our members or applicants will be countered, no matter what. Raid at your own risk.
Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.
Alliance Name | Date | Members | Color | Average Score | Score | Status |
This alliance has an alliance-member only market. |