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Union of Socialist Soviet Republicz


We are one of the oldest Communist Alliances in the Orbis. 

 Our alliance was founded in 2022 and we endured many challenges in our journey. 


We overcame all types of obstacles while taking heavy casualties. 

After all this Hell and Torture from other alliances. Our resilient leader Fredrick Goodsman never left this alliance. 


We are experienced players, We are just Battered and wounded by other alliances.

But 1 day, we are determined to climb up to the top 50 in Orbis Alliances. 

If you have patience, Resilience, Hope, and Determination. This is the best alliance for you. We are a friendly communist alliance that welcomes all except for the ones who cause us destruction.


Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

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