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National Vanguard of Xialoria is a nation led by High Chancellor Erwin von Maximus on the continent of Europe. National Vanguard of Xialoria's government is a Communist Dictatorship with very conservative social policies. Economically, National Vanguard of Xialoria favors far left wing policies. The official currency of National Vanguard of Xialoria is the Vereinmarke. At 41 days old, National Vanguard of Xialoria is an established nation. National Vanguard of Xialoria has a population of 1,117,925 and a land area of 11,400.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 98.06. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 85.7252%.
Erwin von Maximus 2109'
Centuries ago the Romanized Germans of the North faced persecution. Persecution for their nation. Persecution for their identity.
The Xialorian Germans could no longer call themselves 'German'. Linguistically they were the same, yes- but culturally no more.
Because of this, Xialoria developed an war mentality: it had no friends beyond its borders only interests to assist its goals: the Maximus Family lead the nation through these times.
Then came the Modern Era and the rise ofthe Republics: Bismarck subjugated the Xialorians and attempted Germanisation which resulted in total failure: eventually post-World War One Xialoria once again rebounded onto the world stage.
World War Two saw Xialoria siding with the Soviet Union; holding out till 1942 during the Great Patriotic War before undergoing occupation- eventually the Xialorian Government would return and the monarchy reinstated.
The Maximus Family; being sympathetic to communism by viewing it as an means to accelerate the Xialorian People and guarantee their prosperity and greatness; delcared an end to the monarchy in 1958 and was the only country that willingly joined the Eastern Bloc- albeit out of desperation for allies.
Interpretations of Marx and their blatent nationalism however strained ties between Xialoria and the Eastern Bloc which acculimated to Xialoria declaring toral neutrality and withdrawling from the Eastern Bloc; shutting itself off to the world by 1985, and engaging in harsh border policies.
For the next century Xialoria would remain as an black spot on Europe: no communications coming from within our out, surviving the Glohal Collaps and Balkanisation without any word- until January 2109 when Xialorian Military personal crossed the border into the German Anarchy; exerting itself over the land.
Xialorian Politics are dominated by two factions: the Xialorian Armed Forces and "Communist Party of Xialorian Germany."
The [infomally called] Xialorian Communist Party promotes an ideology similar to National Bolshivekism or Sparticanism: however is strictly nationalistic. Highly against ideologies like Corptocracies or Capitalist Systems; the party views them as oppressive structures made to oppress the Xialorian People.
The Xialorian Communist Party os highly authouritarian and believes in, as described by High Chancellor Erwin von Maximus: "National action and sacrafice for the future of the nation." Despite being an authouritarian dictatorship; residents of Xialoria benefit from high social welfare and decent civil rights, the Communist Dictatorship held primarily by the Maximus Family acting as benevolet dictators.
The Military, however, are run and staffed based off of merit and loyality to the nation: mandatory patriotism combined with social programmes has genersted great loyality to the nation and as such valiant soldiers. While civil rights can be improved, the Military and Secret Police have increased power to assist in protecting the nation from exterior threats thay have haunted it for most of its existance.
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