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Los Cazadores

Pirate Republic of Los Cazadores is a nation led by Almirante Emmanuel de la Caval on the continent of South America. Pirate Republic of Los Cazadores's government is a Dictatorship with very moderate social policies. Economically, Pirate Republic of Los Cazadores favors moderate policies. The official currency of Pirate Republic of Los Cazadores is the Dollar. At 39 days old, Pirate Republic of Los Cazadores is an established nation. Pirate Republic of Los Cazadores has a population of 6,268 and a land area of 1,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 6.27. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Cazadores are a brutal and bloodthirsty warband which voyages through the seas, seeking to gain resources, pillaging as they see fit. Originated in the coasts of Chile, they discovered radio signals from a distant island, sailing towards, it they realized it was a mostly untouched island, and the treasures weren't worth passing up. Most Cazadores are random hobos and thugs from the streets wanting to take a crack a getting "riches beyond their wildest dreams" underequipped and briefly informed on their objective, these treasure thirsty pirates use their sheer numbers to swarm the enemy. Cazadores have the stomach to do any kind of thing in order to defeat their enemies, and slaughtering, pillaging, robbing and other dishonorable tactics are encouraged by the higher ranks. Despite this, A loose treaty with the 32nd was signed, possibly due to the similar UACF background. One thing is certain, they wont stop throwing bodies at the front.

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