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United Eastern Provinces

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The Federation of the United Eastern Provinces is a nation led by President Vasily Navvark on the continent of North America. The Federation of the United Eastern Provinces's government is a Federal Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Federation of the United Eastern Provinces favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Federation of the United Eastern Provinces is the Eastern Ren. At 68 days old, The Federation of the United Eastern Provinces is an established nation. The Federation of the United Eastern Provinces has a population of 1,011,037 and a land area of 9,600.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 105.32. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 60.4582%.

The United Federated Eastern Provinces, also known as the United Eastern Provinces, the United Eastern States, the Eastern Provinces, or simply the UEP, is a Parliamentary Federal Republic located in Centralia, commonly reffered to as "A Republic that is considered one of the most stable, and non-violent states in the world." It is a Federal Union of 36 States and 52 Electoral Districts, along with a Capital District which holds no electoral advantage. The States have their own laws that are to be obeyed and verified unto the Eastern Constitution. The Federation also asserts sovereignty over 152 islands, the Maritime Islands in the Mouth of the Bay of Markia, and the Norhansbruk Islands to the north. The country is considered a World Power, and asserts a large amount of Trade Influence due to a massive economy. Its four largest metropolitan areas are located in Oplion, the Capital, Johannesburg, on the West Coast, Estord, on the Icy Coasts, and Atlantis, the Silver City.


Around 700 years ago, Galerian colonists established the Colony of Arcanrisreich in 1248, which would go on to be named Arcania. The colony proved to be resourceful for the Galerian empire, and soon, the Arcanian colony had developed its own cultures and science base. This, however, led to the Duke of the territory, Malmart II, to feel more connected to his Arcanian/Eastern People than the Galerian empire across the seas. This led to the Great Eastern Revolutionary War, in which the Eastern state pulled off a major victory, and expelled the colonists from their territory. Upon that day, the Tsardom of Arcania was founded in 1352. The Tsardom was one of Three Eastern states before the Modern Republic, and It was formed under the Malmarts' house. It stayed a stable nation until the era of Eastern Colonialism began, and they expanded and conquered many other territories and became the Empire of the East, which lasted longer than the Tsardom. Having put up with being controlled, the Empire's citizens often found themselves either striking, or on their way to execution for striking. The Malmarts reigned with terror until 1554, when the Socialist Revolution happened. Formed from a group of leyworthy socialists in East Atlantis, to a full-blown Revolutionary Movement, the Socialist Cause quickly overwhelmed the Empire's loyalist forces and established the Syndicalist Unions of the Eastern Syndicates. the SUP barely lasted four decades, as not long after, in 1886, the Front for Liberation (PFL) formed a rag-tag militia, and sparked the Eastern Civil War. Socialist vs Democrat, the war raged on for six years before Democratic armies captured Oplion, ending the war in a Republican victory. Soon after, the Eastern Provisional Government was established to aid in reconstruction and rehabilitation of those whose lives were lost in the Civil War. As promised, in 1563, the First Eastern Federal Elections were held, resulting in a whitewash PDF (now known as the PDCP) victory.


The Federal Government of the United Eastern Provinces is a Presidential Constitutional Federal Republic, and a Conservative Democracy with Liberal Ideals with three branches of government: The National Assembly, the High Court, and the Office of the President. The National Legaslature is comprised of the National Assembly of the Union, which is a 546-seat parliamentary structure that designates power in the Republic. It is formed of the Lower house (bottom 260 seats) and the Upper House (remaining seats, above). The National Assembly votes on laws, poltiical decisions and regulations that have been approved by the President. The Federal Doctrine provides significant Autonomy to the States, while Eastern values encompass those of, as stated, "Preserving Democracy and Liberty Worldwide."


The Union entered the Cerzi-Japanese on the side of the japanese. They joined the International Defense Collective (IDC) due to the Anti-Communist rhetoric, which burned in Every Eastern Citizen’s heart at the time. While the Eastern Navy, which is their strongest branch, was defining in the outcome of the war, the Eastern nation only got one small port near Northern Scoblic. This dissatisfied the President and the Assembly alike, who were growing more and more tired of globalism. This combined with multiple acts of impeding on Eastern sovereignty, caused the United Eastern Provinces to leave the IDC one year after the War. Not shortly after that, however, the UEP became a member of the Trans-Oceanic Aliiance (TOA), as to increase their growing economy on a trade focus. The Eastern economy had entered a golden age, as millions and millions of Eastern Ren flowed into the National Treasury from multiple sides.

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Selling Nation Buying Nation Date Offered Offer Return Status
1)Tree land
Weaponized Assault Penguins
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
12:33 am
Aluminum 1,000Sell 3,080,000
(3,080 ea)
Accepted Accepted
12:35 am
2)Kins town
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
11:32 pm
Gasoline 1,000Sell 3,175,000
(3,175 ea)
Accepted Accepted
12:34 am
3)Draginian Empire
Event Horizon
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
07:01 pm
Steel 1,400Sell 5,700,800
(4,072 ea)
Accepted Accepted
12:34 am
4)United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
Kins town
02:47 pm
Gasoline 1,000Buy 3,061,000
(3,061 ea)
Accepted Accepted
03:47 pm
5)Mount Olympus
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
05:37 am
Food 40,000Sell 6,720,000
(168 ea)
Accepted Accepted
05:32 pm
6)United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
Kins town
05:17 pm
Gasoline 500Buy 1,521,500
(3,043 ea)
Accepted Accepted
05:31 pm
Ricardo Milos
Weaponized Assault Penguins
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
02:23 am
Munitions 5,000Sell 9,795,000
(1,959 ea)
Accepted Accepted
01:58 pm
8)World Wide Web
The Syndicate
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
05:14 pm
Gasoline 2,000Sell 6,140,000
(3,070 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:37 am
9)World Wide Web
The Syndicate
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
05:14 pm
Gasoline 3,420Sell 10,499,400
(3,070 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:36 am
10)Union CentroAmericana
Grumpy Old Bastards
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
07:50 pm
Steel 400Sell 1,514,000
(3,785 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:36 am
11)Eyes of Sauron
Frodo and Sam
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
06:05 am
Steel 4,700Sell 17,780,100
(3,783 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:36 am
Federated States of Orbis
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
11:35 am
Aluminum 3,500Sell 9,485,000
(2,710 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:35 am
13)Dagon Imperium
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
09:27 pm
Food 10,000Sell 2,060,000
(206 ea)
Accepted Accepted
09:48 pm
Alexandros o Megas
Grumpy Old Bastards
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
03:56 am
Uranium 300Sell 738,900
(2,463 ea)
Accepted Accepted
04:07 am
The Mortals
United Eastern Provinces
Vasily Navvark
Empire of the Romans
02:25 pm
Steel 1,000Sell 3,810,000
(3,810 ea)
Accepted Accepted
02:43 pm

Showing 0-15 of 15 Offers