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Coltopia is a nation led by Sovereign Colt Ayers on the continent of North America. Coltopia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Coltopia favors right wing policies. The official currency of Coltopia is the Dollar. At 63 days old, Coltopia is an established nation. Coltopia has a population of 1,072,803 and a land area of 13,683.50 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 78.40. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 54.9958%.

This is Coltopia.... strong, disciplined, holy, and ambitious. 

    "I, Sovereign Colt Ayers, envision a people that is established by righteousness, a holy people set apart from the heathens and oppressors by God, Jehovah himself. This people, diverse and from all walks of life, is destined for greatness. You, O Coltopians, are an industrious people, a nation of vigor, rigor, life, and prosperity....... I see a people that need an adventure, and it's time to begin the lifelong journey of pioneerism. With the Lord Jesus Christ, we know we are more than conquerors because one day all evil will be swept away and good will triumph. Therefore, let us be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it. Let us comfort the widow, feed the poor, uphold the law, punish the wicked, and establish righteousness and holiness. The adventure begins NOW!"


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Coltopia
Leader Name: Colt Ayers
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Bald eagle
History: 1500's: german settlers occupy a spot on the Ford River (previously called the Missouri River)
1520ish: villages appear on the banks of the Ford River
1520-present: farming becomes main industry and sailing becomes second to that
1530- 1550: the need for sustainable wealth drives settlers to ford the Missouri River, leading to many deaths
1550: new immigrants from Germany arrive: they are called the Royals.
1558: the people feel a sense of needing centralized government to protect the villages from hostile Indians.
1561: the first Indian- New Germany War begins, and New-Germany pays tribute to the Indians
1569: the population of New Germany explodes with the advent of revolutionary medicine and the acquisition of cattle from the west bank of the Missouri River.
1575: the great-great grandson of Royal the First, Colt Ayers, begins a revolutionary sect in New Germany:
1576: the Second Indian- New Germany War begins, and the revolutionary sect led by Colt Ayers wins the war in a rout.
1577: The populace gains new land and territory from the Indians. New Germany is named Coltston in honor of the brave leader, and the Missouri River is renamed the Ford River by the new government of Coltopia, named after Colt Ayers as well.
1579: Coltopia names English as the #1 language to be spoken as it was easier to speak it.
1582: Coltopia endures its worst yet blizzard and overall winter, causing food shortages and high prices.
1584: Coltopia is invaded by the Freman. But Coltopia's economy was largely intact and preserved. The need for strength regionally has soared.
......and the history from here on out is to be written along the way......

Continent: North America
Land Area: 22,021.40 sq. km
Terrain: The Ford River cuts through the nation. A few watering holes can be seen in the surrounding countryside because of glacier sheet movements from the Ice Age thousands of years ago. Mounds and woody draws are found on the west side of the Ford River. The main hub of commerce and culture is situated on the east side of the river.
Highest Peak: Mt. Fort Lincoln, 610 meters
Lowest Valley: Little Ford Valley, 520 meters
Climate: Coltopia experiences four distinct seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. The winter is cold and dry with bouts of blizzards from time to time, especially closer to the spring. Spring weather is usually cool and moist, with a tossup of either bouts of rain or blizzards in the early spring. Summer is hot and humid, with Coltopia experiencing thunderstorms and drought. Fall is warm and usually dry.
People & Society
Population: 1,072,803 people
Demonym: Coltopian
Demonym Plural: Coltopians, Jewmans, French, Germans
Ethnic Groups: German - 80.0%
Jewish Normans - 12.0%
French - 8.0%
Languages: English - 90.0%
German - 5.0%
French - 5.0%
Religions: Christianity - 94.0%
Judiasm - 5.5%
Catholicism - 0.5%
Life Expectancy: 75 years
Obesity: 10%
Alcohol Users: 20%
Tobacco Users: 5%
Cannabis Users: 1%
Hard Drug Users: 0.3%
Description: This nation has a capitalist economy that heavily invests in agriculture, ranching and energy resources.
Average Yearly Income: $197.77
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,463,364,149.00
GDP per Capita: $1,364.05
Gross National Income (GNI): $497,608,880.00
Industries: Early in its founding, farming was prevalent. Now today, ranching has become the dominant source of food for the nation. Foresting is a popular source of of producing infrastructural materials.
History: Military information is declassified, but the military history of Coltopia is profiled and classified.
Soldiers: 105,000
Tanks: 5,495
Aircraft: 450
Ships: 79
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 02/21/2025 03:52 am