Republic of Roses is a nation led by Emperor Giovanni Rose on the continent of Europe. Republic of Roses's government is a Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Republic of Roses favors moderate policies. The official currency of Republic of Roses is the Dollar. At 34 days old, Republic of Roses is an established nation. Republic of Roses has a population of 800,555 and a land area of 9,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 88.95. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Formerly the Republic of Corvina (RIP 1500+ Days)
View Trade Offers | View Nation
Selling Nation | Buying Nation | Date Offered | Offer | Return | Status | |
1) | Dabsion Forethought Grumpy Old Bastards | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/25/2024 08:24 am | 200 | 579,800 (2,899 ea) | Accepted 12/25/2024 08:45 am |
2) | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | Tan Red Horse CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL Spectre | 12/21/2024 02:52 pm | 300 | 1,280,700 (4,269 ea) | Accepted 12/21/2024 08:30 pm |
3) | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | Tan Red Horse CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL Spectre | 12/21/2024 02:52 pm | 500 | 2,134,500 (4,269 ea) | Accepted 12/21/2024 08:29 pm |
4) | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | Tan Red Horse CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL Spectre | 12/21/2024 02:52 pm | 250 | 1,067,250 (4,269 ea) | Accepted 12/21/2024 08:28 pm |
5) | Kins town Kinns Guardian | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/20/2024 08:53 pm | 245 | 744,310 (3,038 ea) | Accepted 12/20/2024 11:13 pm |
6) | Swordland Kaos Retribution | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/20/2024 11:12 pm | 230 | 1,034,770 (4,499 ea) | Accepted 12/20/2024 11:12 pm |
7) | Canata Argon The Fighting Pacifists | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/20/2024 05:15 pm | 150 | 684,000 (4,560 ea) | Accepted 12/20/2024 05:44 pm |
8) | Native Australians BlackAsLight The Knights Radiant | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/20/2024 02:10 am | 10,000 | 1,550,000 (155 ea) | Accepted 12/20/2024 05:25 pm |
9) | Antanara Canbec The Knights Radiant | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/17/2024 05:07 am | 400 | 1,249,600 (3,124 ea) | Accepted 12/17/2024 05:19 am |
10) | Enron Kenneth Lay LEGO City | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/17/2024 04:17 am | 300 | 1,589,400 (5,298 ea) | Accepted 12/17/2024 04:57 am |
11) | Dryad Dryad Femboy Ghetto | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/15/2024 09:27 pm | 4,800 | 768,000 (160 ea) | Accepted 12/15/2024 09:57 pm |
12) | Frogonia Jeremiah Cult of Raccoon | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/15/2024 09:53 pm | 144 | 445,392 (3,093 ea) | Accepted 12/15/2024 09:57 pm |
13) | Islamic Republic 0f Pakistan Paralaxus The Immortals | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/15/2024 09:05 pm | 300 | 1,421,400 (4,738 ea) | Accepted 12/15/2024 09:54 pm |
14) | Shizo George Floyd None | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/15/2024 09:38 pm | 22 | 53,878 (2,449 ea) | Accepted 12/15/2024 09:48 pm |
15) | AkAk AkAk Grumpy Old Bastards | Republic of Roses Giovanni Rose Federated States of Orbis | 12/15/2024 09:47 pm | 360 | 1,705,320 (4,737 ea) | Accepted 12/15/2024 09:47 pm |
Showing 0-15 of 19 Offers