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Athens Republic

Invicta Athens Republic is a nation led by Consul Democritus Marx Lux on the continent of Antarctica. Invicta Athens Republic's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Invicta Athens Republic favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Invicta Athens Republic is the Zloty. At 90 days old, Invicta Athens Republic is a mature nation. Invicta Athens Republic has a population of 1,144,525 and a land area of 17,800.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 64.30. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Ministries and Key Officials

1. Minister of Defense: Ajax Dorimedes

2. Minister of Foreign Affairs: Themistoclea Eridanus

3. Minister of Economy: Cleobulus Timon

4. Minister of Science and Technology: Arion Lykourgos

5. Minister of Infrastructure: Callimachus Nicostratus

6. Minister of Justice: Lysimachus Xanthus

7. Minister of Agriculture and Resources: Phaedra Leontis

8. Minister of Education and Culture: Eurydice Amphion

9. Minister of Public Health: Dione Pythagoras

10. Minister of Energy and Environmental Affairs: Melina Tychon


Other High Officials

Praetor (Head of Domestic Governance): Heliodorus Aristonides

Magistrate (Legal and Administrative Affairs): Sophia Callistrate

Legatus Propraetore (Supreme Military Commander): Leonidas Damocles

Secretary of the Cabinet: Hypatia Zenobius


City-Specific Roles

For each city, there are three additional roles to assist in governance and military management:

Clar City

Legatus Rector: Nikandros Cytherius

Aedil: Callidora Menelaus

Legatus Proconsulis: Phaedrus Echetos


Hyacinta City

Legatus Rector: Lysandra Pyrrhus

Aedil: Myrina Cleitus

Legatus Proconsulis: Thales Isocrates



Legatus Rector: Damoclea Philetus

Aedil: Adonis Myron

Legatus Proconsulis: Demetrius Lycus



Legatus Rector: Eryx Glaucus

Aedil: Helena Eumenes

Legatus Proconsulis: Phocion Nyx



Legatus Rector: Alcibiades Mestor

Aedil: Andromeda Thymus

Legatus Proconsulis: Kallias Leptis



Legatus Rector: Calista Erymanthos

Aedil: Alcander Pelops

Legatus Proconsulis: Castor Phineus



Legatus Rector: Diomedes Ionikos

Aedil: Antheia Promachos

Legatus Proconsulis: Cimon Chryses



Legatus Rector: Helia Trocles

Aedil: Galen Pallas

Legatus Proconsulis: Orestes Procles



Legatus Rector: Icarus Euthymius

Aedil: Daphne Menestheus

Legatus Proconsulis: Pericles Hesperos

Basic Information
Nation Name: Athens Republic
Leader Name: Democritus Marx Lux
Nation ID: 656640
Founded: 11/17/2024 (90 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 2 hours ago
Discord Username:athensrepublic
Unique ID: 363808c23358f55dbba410594
International Relations
Alliance: sillycats Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:62 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Gray Inactive Group
Commendations: 11
Denouncements: 2
Nation Page Visits: 1,682
Population: 1,144,525
Infrastructure: 10,479.87
Land Area: 17,800 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 64.30 people/sq. mi
GDP: $1,620,054,199.00
GDP per Capita: $1,415.48
GNI: $879,601,090.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Zloty
Government Type: Democratic Republic Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Christianity Christianity
National Animal: National Animal ImageCat
Approval Rating: 0% (-69.6)
Pollution Index: 1,409 points
Radiation Index: 42.17 R (Global: 625.12 R)
OBL Team: Clar Versityy
Nation Score: More Information 1,339.02
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 39,027.80
Infrastructure Lost: 12,124.00
Money Looted: $179,766,996.73
Wars Won: 55
Wars Lost: 6

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

10 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
01/19 04:12 pm - Fejemtas of Aszendens has publicly commended the nation of Athens Republic.
01/17 12:45 pm - Athens Republic changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Black.
01/17 10:51 am - Athens Republic declared war on TsumugiLand for the reason of "the silliness consumes".
01/16 11:44 pm - Athens Republic declared war on Wythenshawe for the reason of "All your base are belong to us".
01/16 11:43 pm - Athens Republic declared war on hmmmmmm for the reason of "You challenge the might of Rome. We will crush you swiftly in battle.".
01/16 11:43 pm - Athens Republic declared war on Utebekistan for the reason of "You denounced me? War. Like, who even does that?!".
01/16 08:39 pm - Ronjoy Tehmina of Democratic Republic of Benga has publicly commended the nation of Athens Republic.
01/13 06:14 pm - Athens Republic had war declared by Marinduque for the reason of "Antarctica Counter".
01/13 10:19 am - Athens Republic had war declared by KAHNDAQ for the reason of "I am the flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.".
01/12 01:32 pm - Athens Republic has publicly denounced the nation of AS Saint-Etienne led by Olivier Dall Oglio.
01/12 05:06 am - Athens Republic has publicly commended the nation of Medan Empire led by Thur Octavian.
01/12 03:04 am - Athens Republic declared war on Vermillia for the reason of "the silliness consumes".
01/12 03:01 am - Athens Republic declared war on New Aztec for the reason of "the silliness consumes".
01/12 03:00 am - Athens Republic declared war on Heistelborb for the reason of "the silliness consumes".
01/12 12:31 am - Democritus Marx Lux built a new project: Iron Dome
01/12 12:31 am - Democritus Marx Lux destroyed a National Project: Activity Center
01/11 11:55 pm - Athens Republic declared war on Kanoma for the reason of "the silliness consumes".
01/09 12:38 pm - JOHN CHRISTOPHER V of BLACKSTOKES COMPANY has publicly commended the nation of Athens Republic.
01/08 11:28 am - Athens Republic founded a new city, Niaw City.
01/08 11:24 am - Athens Republic declared war on Collywobbles for the reason of "Your national anthem sounds like elevator music.".
01/08 11:24 am - Athens Republic declared war on Gavastek for the reason of "Your state exploits resources unsustainably. We intervene to protect the planet.".
01/08 11:23 am - Athens Republic declared war on Nextronica for the reason of "Say hello to my little friend!".
01/08 11:21 am - Athens Republic declared war on United Baltic Duchy for the reason of "Our astrologers said your moon phase is messing up our vibes.".
01/08 11:21 am - Athens Republic declared war on Eternal Sol for the reason of "Luke... I am your father.".
01/05 01:47 pm - Athens Republic declared war on Germanic Unification for the reason of "*Pirate noises intensifies*".
01/05 12:27 am - Athens Republic declared war on The Kitchen for the reason of "Your navy looks cooler than ours, and we just can't let that slide.".
01/04 04:09 pm - Athens Republic declared war on Ordenton for the reason of "Your leader's fashion sense is an international crisis".
01/04 08:17 am - Athens Republic declared war on Moniyan Empire for the reason of "Luke... I am your father.".
01/04 12:49 am - Athens Republic changed location from Europe to Antarctica.
01/03 10:50 pm - Athens Republic declared war on Denmarks for the reason of "Your national bird pooped on our embassy's roof.".
Consul Democritus Marx Lux Implements Comprehensive Cabinet Reshuffle, Retains Key Figures for Continuity

Consul Democritus Marx Lux has reshuffled the cabinet, retaining key figures and appointing new leaders to strengthen Athens Republic’s governance and address national challenges.


Consul Democritus Marx Lux has appointed a new leadership team for the Athens Republic, including key figures in defense, foreign affairs, and the judiciary. The team is set to strengthen the Republic

Athens Republic Successfully Develops Nuclear Weaponry

On December 30, 2024, under Consul Democritus Marx Lux, the Republic successfully developed its first nuclear weapon, marking a new age of strength and global dominance.

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
4 National Projects
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.