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The Monarchy of Aryavarth is a nation led by Samrat Narayan Pareek on the continent of Asia. The Monarchy of Aryavarth's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Monarchy of Aryavarth favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Monarchy of Aryavarth is the Rupee. At 131 days old, The Monarchy of Aryavarth is a mature nation. The Monarchy of Aryavarth has a population of 776,303 and a land area of 16,550.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 46.91. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Monarchy of Aryavarth
A Hindu nation guided by the timeless principle:
“Ahimsa Paramo Dharma, Dharma Hinsa Tathaiva Cha”
(Non-violence is the highest duty, but violence is justified to protect Dharma).

Aryavarth stands for peace, justice, and righteousness, upholding fairness in trade and protecting its values with unwavering strength when necessary. 

Akhand Bharat



The National Music of Aryavarth


Chakravarthi Samrat Chandragupt Maurya


View Bank Activity | View Nation

Show rows starting at

Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)02/24/2025 12:16 am AryavarthEmi Cse BakayAryavarth$1,170,938.000.000.0036.0023.000.0097.000.0014.
2)02/23/2025 11:13 pm AryavarthPortofinoAryavarth$1,580,857.000.000.0042.0027.000.00113.000.0017.
3)02/23/2025 04:29 pm AryavarthRegnum LusitanumAryavarth$1,879,390.000.000.0048.0031.000.00131.000.0020.
4)02/15/2025 03:26 pm AryavarthFree Traders WorldwideAryavarth$1,289,
5)02/15/2025 08:51 am AryavarthNordmaniaAryavarth$1,659,800.000.000.0051.0022.000.00122.000.0018.
6)02/15/2025 02:27 am AryavarthNiaofchtencu TerritoriesAryavarth$1,362,980.000.000.0040.0017.000.0096.000.0014.
7)02/07/2025 10:52 pm AryavarthFree RiechAryavarth$2,596,441.000.000.0052.0028.000.00108.000.0016.
8)02/07/2025 12:13 am AryavarthHollvaniaAryavarth$2,822,667.000.000.0058.0032.000.00119.000.0018.
9)02/06/2025 10:54 pm AryavarthNorth Sea EmpireAryavarth$3,399,925.000.000.0067.0038.000.00138.000.0021.
10)01/30/2025 06:09 am AryavarthNubiaAryavarth$2,090,
11)01/30/2025 04:05 am AryavarthEmi Cse BakayAryavarth$2,443,549.000.000.0068.0041.000.00126.000.0019.
12)01/29/2025 08:06 pm AryavarthFree Traders WorldwideAryavarth$2,845,455.000.000.0078.0047.000.00144.000.0022.
13)01/23/2025 05:09 pm AryavarthBeulahAryavarth$3,017,443.000.000.0068.0043.000.00123.000.0019.
14)01/22/2025 11:18 pm AryavarthKurotsomeAryavarth$3,380,
15)01/21/2025 08:52 pm AryavarthTicklaalandAryavarth$3,690,408.000.000.0084.0054.000.00152.001.0024.000.0013.000.00

Showing 0-15 of 62 Records