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Republic of Fatimid Caliphate is a nation led by President Shejan I on the continent of Africa. Republic of Fatimid Caliphate's government is a Democracy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, Republic of Fatimid Caliphate favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Republic of Fatimid Caliphate is the Shejein. At 160 days old, Republic of Fatimid Caliphate is a mature nation. Republic of Fatimid Caliphate has a population of 2,151,587 and a land area of 18,150.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 118.54. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Leader: Shejan I
Vice-leader: Shejan II
Chief of State: Nguyen Nyanïong
Commander of the Ground Army: The Vice-leader
Major of Giza: Slavwan Dodok
Major of Alexandria: Iyar Slibala
Major of Shejania: Borodynia Ivoris
Major of Ytsukh: Ratane Koto
Major of Bitté: Vulmer Dursos
Major of Cairo: Nitshi Dashjavnenko
Commander of the Air Force: Ilaft Yewandoski
Commmander of the Navy: Polus D. Najesh
Commander of the Army: The Vice-Leader
Commander of the Army Corps: Isambo Korintis
Fatimid War Flag:
Old Portrait of Shejan I
New portrait of Shejan I
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