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Dandakaranya is a nation led by Comrade Gudsa Usendi on the continent of Asia. Dandakaranya's government is a Socialist Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, Dandakaranya favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Dandakaranya is the Mahua. At 4 days old, Dandakaranya is a new nation. Dandakaranya has a population of 424,928 and a land area of 6,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 70.82. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 81.1919%.

Dandakaranya's Politics

Dandakaranya, being a Socialist Republic, is firmly led by the Communist Party of DK (Maoist) by making use of the mass line as the systemized transmission line of the revolutionary politics of the vanguard to the masses. The Janatana Sarkar (JS) is the revolutionary government organized along the lines of democratic centralism and comprised of the revolutionary organs of the people, constituting the political power of a new state with new governance. 

These organs, the revolutionary people’s representative assemblies (viplava praja prathinidhula sabhalu) and their revolutionary people’s committees (viplava praja committeelu) are the highest genuine democratic systems for the revolutionary popular masses, enforcing dictatorship over the reactionaries and overthrown exploitative classes. Within every each of its operations, the mass line must be firmly grasped by holding on to the class line, i.e. ensuring the leadership-role of the proletariat and the landless/poor peasantry in all affairs, the proletariat's role being supreme.


The Current Main Tasks 

After completing the fundamental tasks of the democratic revolution under the leadership of the proletariat, first and foremost the agrarian revolution, Dandakaranya is now undergoing the basic transformation of its economic base, involving the throughout socialization of all branches of industry, the economic and political liquidation of the middle bourgeoisie, as well as proletarianizing the peasantry and other sectors of the petty bourgeoisie by taking class struggle as the key link. 

The principal contradiction is thus that between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, as the expression of that between capital and labour. All energy is being centered on solving this contradiction by ensuring the proletariat's leading role in the revolutionary process, transforming all spheres of society, and directing the transition towards the abolition of commodity production, the accompanying value-form and all class-distinction. Capital's abolition thus translates into the abolition of wage labour itself, and the society to emerge will be a free association of producers, all of which will be able to realize their potential fully, contributing according to their ability and receiving from the social product according to their need.

The CPDK (Maoist) is working tirelessly and in consultation with the popular masses to establish DK as a strong base area of the World Proletarian Revolution (WPR) in South Asia, supporting revolutionary movements wherever possible, contributing to the international struggle against revisionism and all reaction, as well as internally consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, with the popular masses' participation in the continous revolution as the guarantee of its revolutionary vanguard-role internationally. 

Long Live the WPR!

Proletarians of all Countries, Unite!

For Jal, Jangal, Jameen & Izzar-Adhikar!


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Dandakaranya
Leader Name: Gudsa Usendi
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 9,656.04 sq. km
Terrain: Dandakaranya consists of wide, forested plateaus and hills that rise abruptly on the eastern side and gradually decrease in elevation toward the west. There are also several relatively extensive plains. It is drained by the Mahanadi River (with its tributaries, including the Tel, Jonk, Udanti, Hatti, and Sandul) and the Godavari River (with its tributaries, including the Indravati and Sabari). The plateaus and hillsides have a thin veneer of loamy soils, while the plains and valleys have fertile alluvial soils.
Highest Peak: Deomali, 1,672 meters
Lowest Valley: Mahanadi Delta, 0 meters
Climate: Dandakaranya's climate is coined by a warm monsoon weather pattern. The distinct seasons are summer (March to May), winter (November to February), and the intervening rainy months of the southwest monsoon (June to September). The summer is hot, dry, and windy, with high temperatures typically reaching at least 30 °c; in some areas temperatures regularly rise above upper 30s °c. Winters are usually mild and dry, with high temperatures in the upper mid-20s. Rainfall usually ranges from 1,200 to 1,500 mm annually.
People & Society
Population: 424,928 people
Demonym: Moolnivasi
Demonym Plural: Moolnivasis
Ethnic Groups: Gond/Koitor - 38.3%
Halba - 31.2%
Santhal - 30.5%
Languages: Gondi/Koitor - 39.2%
Halbi - 31.3%
Santhal - 29.5%
Religions: Atheism - 76.3%
Animism - 23.7%
Life Expectancy: 79 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Dandakaranya's economy is currently of a new-democratic character, i.e. the new state owns the major banks and big industrial & commercial enterprises constituting the lifeline of the economy. The transport industries, as well as the entire national soil, are also administered by the new democratic state, ensuring that private capital cannot dominate the livelihood of the people (the main principle of the regulation of capital).

The state enterprise, which is of an aspiring socialist character in the process to eliminate the law of value's determining role, is the leading force of the economy, whose direction is ensured by the consistent leadership of the revolutionary proletariat. Small and medium capitalist enterprise, though not yet fully dismantled, is restricted and supported only insofar as it progresses the transition and will be gradually phased out.

The feudal landlord economy has been practically shattered, all arable lands being distributed among the peasantry, particularly the poor and landless peasantry. Efforts for organizing the peasantry first in mutual aid teams, then lower and higher cooperatives, then in collectives and gradually proletarianizing them, fully socializing the means of production, are underway as a part of the ongoing basic transformation into an economy of transitory socialist character.
Average Yearly Income: $46.18
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $852,124,181.00
GDP per Capita: $2,005.33
Gross National Income (GNI): $725,601,385.00
Industries: Central to Dandakaranya's industrial policy is its alternate revolutionary development model, which keeps heavy industry in the lead, bases itself on agriculture and pays attention to light industry in a balanced manner for the all-around development of the material basis of socialist society. All industries, of which the exploration of oil as well as food production constitute DK's economic backbone, are balanced out with the substantial decrease of pollution, ensuring the people's right to forest, as well as preserving the natural base for industrial operation.
History: The Lal Sena, which has been established as the people's army of Dandakaranya under absolute leadership of the communist party, acts as the Janatana Sarkar's detachment of the International Red Army. It is a revolutionary worker-peasant army of new type, integrated in production, with the masses, politically active and schooled, as well as guided by the 3 Rules of Discipline & 8 Points of Attention. Its base force, the people's militia, is being broadened consistently in the direction of establishing an armed sea of masses – its operations throughout DK ensure the consolidation and development of proletarian rule.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 10/22/2024 06:40 am