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Father Time

Father Time is a nation led by The Emperor Flash on the continent of South America. Father Time's government is a Parliamentary Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Father Time favors moderate policies. The official currency of Father Time is the Dollar. At 156 days old, Father Time is a mature nation. Father Time has a population of 1,074,210 and a land area of 8,050.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 133.44. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)03/12/2025 12:56 am Father TimeAnitaresFather Time$7,567,136.000.00461.00257.00160.00166.00288.00225.00450.00341.00238.00450.00
2)03/08/2025 07:40 pm Might Land of GemFather TimeMight Land of Gem$70,914.000.003.00123.00992.000.000.00216.001,068.00403.00166.002,024.00
3)03/08/2025 07:39 pm Kingdom of EgyptFather TimeKingdom of Egypt$3,892,583.000.002.0032.0011.0034.003.002.0013.0024.0016.0018.00
4)03/08/2025 07:39 pm FeralistFather TimeFeralist$2,405,893.
5)03/08/2025 07:38 pm prussaiFather Timeprussai$614,505.000.000.0014.000.00360.0017.0028.00140.00177.0080.004.00
6)03/08/2025 07:38 pm WagadougouFather TimeWagadougou$42,
7)03/05/2025 02:22 am SpitzerlandFather TimeSpitzerland$6,456,677.000.00221.0077.0023.000.00270.0029.00134.00342.00195.00156.00
8)03/05/2025 02:21 am WonkruFather TimeWonkru$3,418,177.000.0024.0070.0017.0021.0083.0031.0045.0028.0011.0080.00
9)03/05/2025 02:21 am The United SRFather TimeThe United SR$761,
10)03/05/2025 02:20 am BlakavFather TimeBlakav$28,
11)03/05/2025 02:19 am ewdikuFather Timeewdiku$31,481.000.00838.000.0094.000.00283.
12)03/02/2025 07:20 am GGGNotCivilizedCivilizationFather TimeGGGNotCivilizedCivilization$1,134,750.000.00235.0019.0041.00302.0011.0042.0020.0063.0013.0062.00
13)03/02/2025 07:19 am III Republika KoronnaFather TimeIII Republika Koronna$35,865.000.00387.000.000.0089.00287.
14)03/02/2025 07:19 am BOSS landFather TimeBOSS land$40,000.00329.00132.
15)03/02/2025 07:18 am Atlantic CivilFather TimeAtlantic Civil$28,000.000.0040.0011.000.0017.0045.000.0011.00117.00110.0064.00

Showing 0-15 of 52 Records