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Republic of Kaliningrad

Republic of Kaliningrad is a nation led by Minister Vladimir Kaminski on the continent of Europe. Republic of Kaliningrad's government is a Parliamentary Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Republic of Kaliningrad favors left wing policies. The official currency of Republic of Kaliningrad is the Euro. At 151 days old, Republic of Kaliningrad is a mature nation. Republic of Kaliningrad has a population of 466,883 and a land area of 4,400.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 106.11. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Republic of Kaliningrad: 



''Divided by sea, United at land.''



Capital City: Kaliningrad City 6e24b10b16fc08102fc079a946ce1b63e200e891x136.png

Government: Parliamentary Democracy 

Currency: The Euro 



Current Government Leaders:


Minister: Vladimir Kaminski

Deputy Minister: Derich Woltsman

Secretary of State : Heinrich Jovelski 


Chief Parliament Representative: Henry Goldsenberg 


Chief Magistrate of Justice: Sir Fredrich Luis Koltsmann 


Commander and Chief of defense: Gorig Krautsmann 


The King of Konigsberg: Sir Wilhelm Ludwig III (The Third)




Economy: Mixed Market


Political Parties: National Party (Leading), Conservative Party, Socialist Party, and the Democratic Party


Government: Confederative Parliamentary Republic (The States, led by independent Governors, are more autonomous and have more deciding power in the government. The balance of power is overseen by the Legislative and Judicial branches.)


Branches of Government: 


Administrative Branch





Legislative Branch






Tribunal/Judicial Branch 






Military Branch







Royal Branch/The Crown



Main Government Departments:

  • Federal Ministry
  • Department of National Security 
  • Department of the Interior & Resources 
  • Department of Interior Security 
  • Department Exterior Security 
  • Department of Treasury & Finance 
  • Environmental Department 
  • Department of Justice & Law
  • Ministry of Defense 
  • Ministry of Affairs & International Security 
  • Department of Labor 
  • Department of Education 
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Health & Human Services
  • Department of Business & Commerce 
  • Department of Agriculture 
  • National Bureau of Investigation 
  • Department of Infrastructure & Development
  • Ministry of Law Enforcement 
  • Department of Services 
  • Department of Transportation 
  • National Department of Aeronautics 
  • Federal Department of Science & Research
  • And 80+ other federal departments 



Dominant religions: Orthodox Christianity, Catholic Christianity and Judaism 

Main sport: European Football (Or as Americans call it soccer)

Cuisine: Prussian Cuisine (Mix of Baltic, German and Polish foods)

Ethnicity: White Eastern European (Baltic) 

Nationality: Prussian

Other popular sports: Kayaking, fishing, hunting, boxing and shooting


Fun facts: 


  • We HEAVILY stand against the usage of nuclear weapons and guided missiles, as it brings a long term impact for all civilians and the future generations to come. 
  • In a ceremonial role, there is only a king, a queen cannot be in power
  • The King only plays a ceremonial role, however, he can also give higher advise to the Minister and can manage the nation internally, such as pardoning criminals, initiating projects, approving bills and etc.
  • The King serves for life. Next in line are the male family members or those he crowns before his death
  • The government has shared power, in order to keep balance between all branches
  • Police Officers can only carry handguns and you have to train over 6 months to become one. Higher ranks can carry shotguns and only special response teams can carry rifles
  • All automatic rifles are prohibited except for the military and special departments
  • You have to pass training and qualify to own a gun, which takes from 1-2 months
  • Taxes are only collected from people who have over 100,000$ annual income 
  • The majority of people can petition the government and directly remove anybody in power, including the minister (Over 75% or more people have to vote)
  • All police officers and law enforcement agents pass a shooting test every 6 months, a knowledge exam every year, and a physical sports training every 2 years
  • It is mandatory for all people aged above 18 to serve in community service or military for 5 years. They will then be placed in reserves, and in case of war, 80% of qualified reserves will be called with a quick 2 week training if time allows
  • In times of war, all citizens aged 20-60 who are drug free and mentally stable with a clean background will receive weapons given to them (rifles or handguns)
  • Fishing is very popular, however you need to pass a test and buy a license for 10$ per year with specific rules
  • Hunting is strictly enforced, with most animals being prohibited to hunt. You can only hunt a specific amount of different animals per year, with a hunting license fee of 50$ per year
  • Healthcare, education, safety and economy are the top priorities of our country
  • There is a very big separation of powers, especially church and state. However, religion can be practiced and is not enforceable
  • People who are homeless, in extreme poverty (income below 5,000$ per year), or who are in political asylum will receive a government funded house that will fit their needs and the capacity of their family, 1 government funded vehicle, and 12,000$ a year (for 2 years) per family member in exchange for 1 year of community service, if they are physically capable of doing so
  • Capital punishments and the death penalty are ultra rare, and have to be approved both by the King and the Minister, as well as the majority of the parliament and the tribunal branch
  • Punishments are very harsh, depending on the crime committed. 
  • War crimes will result in 50 years in military prison per death caused
  • Traffic violations and parking tickets are actually very low criminal level crimes
  • Business laws and businesses are strictly regulated for the well being of the citizens, in terms of quality of goods sold, the services offered and etc. However, financial parts of businesses are very independent 
  • The market is regulated for safety, however a lot of financial independence is still allowed
  • Corruption and Misplacement of funds is a highly punishable crime, or anything related in terms of crimes related to finances
  • Businesses can face very high fines and even disbandment by the government if they have caused death or any type of unknown harm to people
  • Vapes, tobacco and cigarette usage is highly regulated and heavily taxed on. 
  • Only people above the age of 20 may use vapes, tobacco nicotine or alcohol. (Both consumption and sales)
  • Sale of caffeine is restricted to people only above the age of 14 (Not consumption)
  • Sale of soft drinks are restricted to people only above the age of 12 (Not consumption)
  • School nutrition and general nutrition is highly regulated. Soft drinks or any type of unhealthy food is prohibited to be sold in primary schools (Elementary, Middle and High)


History of Kaliningrad: 

  • Kaliningrad, previously known as Konigsberg, has a rich and unique history. We claim ourselves as the direct descendants of the Prussians. 
  • Officially, the current state of our nation has gained independence on November 10th, 1993, after a year-long violent revolution from Russia for our independence, which has resulted in over 46,300 military and 24,670 civilian deaths. All war crimes served with no purpose, Russia has still not compensated us a single penny. We had to take care of over 43,500,000,000$ US Dollars in total physical damages, and we still continue to repay the families of victims of the revolution and the massacres Russia has brought upon us. 
  • We have rebuilt our society, government, infrastructure and economy slowly since then, and by 2004 we have become one of the powerhouses in the Baltic region.
  • We are a friendly nation, and we welcome everyone to our embassy and nation, but only those who truly seek cooperation and opportunity. 


      Kaliningrad is a very unique country, with a mix of unique cultures that blend into one. We welcome people of all genders and races, and we do not judge upon you. Together, the people of this nation are bonded closely together like bees, and in times of turmoil or problems,  together, we become one

 Kaliningrad, the land of fishing and great opportunity

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