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Nordravia is a nation led by Keiser Giovanni Marson on the continent of Europe. Nordravia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Nordravia favors right wing policies. The official currency of Nordravia is the Ruble. At 10 days old, Nordravia is a new nation. Nordravia has a population of 778,429 and a land area of 5,860.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 132.84. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 45.9015%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Nordravia
Leader Name: Giovanni Marson
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The history of Nordravia dates back to medieval times when Nordic tribes settled in the region after migrations from the far north of Europe. Originally a confederation of small clans and kingdoms, Nordravia united under the leadership of the first Keiser in the 13th century. This unification was forged during a period of external invasions, primarily from Germanic peoples, forcing local leaders to join forces to ensure the survival of the nation.

In the following centuries, Nordravia thrived as a trading center, leveraging its strategic location between the maritime routes of the North Atlantic and the European interior. The transition to a Constitutional Monarchy in the 19th century was peaceful, inspired by liberal revolutions in Europe. Despite partial democratization, Nordravia has always maintained a culture of strong centralized governance, with the Keiser playing an influential role.

The nation remained neutral during the major world conflicts, preserving its sovereignty and developing a strong economy based on socialist policies with state control of key resources. Today, Nordravia stands as an example of stability and progress on the European continent.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 9,430.73 sq. km
Terrain: Nordravia is a nation composed of vast boreal forests and gentle hills, where snow-covered pines dominate the landscape. The territory is diverse, with flatter regions and gently rising hills, as well as some low mountain areas that emerge in parts of the country, mainly in the east.

North of Nordravia: The northern region is covered by extensive pine forests that remain snow-covered for much of the year. The terrain is predominantly flat, with gentle elevations and rivers meandering through the dense forests. The cold climate keeps the snow constant, and winters are long and harsh.

Center and South of Nordravia: In the center and south of the country, rolling hills become more frequent, creating a landscape that alternates between dense forests and open areas. The vegetation is typical of cold climate regions, predominantly coniferous, and the terrain, although more mountainous in some parts, maintains a moderate and accessible relief.

Hills and Mountains: In the east, small mountain ranges rise that mark the border of Nordravia. They are covered by thick forests and snow in winter, but they are not extremely high, creating a perfect environment for hiking and winter sports.
Highest Peak: Fjellheim, 2,800 meters
Lowest Valley: Dalen Skjulte, 200 meters
Climate: Nordravia has a subarctic climate in the north and a cold continental climate in the rest of the country. The seasons are well-defined, with long and harsh winters and short, cool summers.

Winter: Winter in Nordravia is characterized by low temperatures, with heavy snowfall and icy winds sweeping through the forests and hills. Snow covers the ground for several months, creating a white and inhospitable environment. Temperatures can drop to -30°C in the north and -20°C in the central regions.

Summer: Summer is brief and moderately cool, with temperatures ranging between 10°C and 20°C. During this time, the forests come to life, and the days are longer and brighter, providing a short growing season.
People & Society
Population: 778,429 people
Demonym: Nordravo
Demonym Plural: Nordravos
Ethnic Groups: Nordravianos - 93.0%
Finns - 3.0%
Sámi - 2.0%
Languages: Norwegian - 94.0%
Sámi Skolt - 5.0%
None - 0.0%
Religions: Orthodox - 89.0%
Christianity - 11.0%
None - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 83 years
Obesity: 1%
Alcohol Users: 67%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The economy of Nordravia is a mix of capitalism and socialism, with strong state intervention in strategic sectors such as energy, health, and education. The government manages natural resources like timber and minerals, in addition to a robust service sector, including adventure tourism and ecotourism. There is room for private enterprises, especially in the areas of technology and innovation, which have been encouraged in recent years.

The focus on wealth distribution is a pillar of the economic policy, aiming to reduce social inequalities and ensure an adequate standard of living for all citizens. The Nordravian Ruble is a stable currency used for both domestic and international trade.
Average Yearly Income: $137.10
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,247,060,471.00
GDP per Capita: $1,602.02
Gross National Income (GNI): $987,468,445.00
Industries: The Consumer and Military Goods Industry of Nordravia began to develop shortly after the founding of the nation, in response to the need for self-sufficiency and security. In the early years, the Nordravians, recognizing the importance of having a solid industrial base, started manufacturing essential everyday products such as clothing, household items, and processed foods.

As the industry evolved, the need for defense also became a priority. The growing political instability in the region prompted Nordravia to invest in its military capabilities, leading to the establishment of factories specialized in the production of military equipment and technology, ranging from light weapons to transport vehicles.
History: In 1853, during a period of rising tensions at the borders and political uncertainties in Europe, the young Keiser Erik Marson made a crucial decision for the security of his nation. Recognizing the urgent need for an organized and well-trained army, he convened an assembly of military and civilian leaders to discuss the formation of the Military Forces of Nordravia.

The Need for Military Forces: With the growing threat from neighboring powers, Erik understood that the sovereignty and safety of the Nordravian people were at risk. He firmly believed that creating a robust and efficient army was essential not only to defend the territory but also to promote unity and patriotism among citizens. The Keiser’s vision was that a strong army could serve as a pillar of security and stability for the nation’s future.

General Arvid Eklund: Arvid Eklund, a respected military leader known for his innovative tactics and ability to unite troops, was appointed as the primary responsible for implementing the army formation plan. He dedicated himself to ensuring that the Military Forces were trained in practical skills adapted to the mountainous terrain and the dense, snowy pine forests of Nordravia.

Implementation of the Military Forces: Under Erik's leadership, the Military Forces of Nordravia were officially formed. The Keiser emphasized the importance of rigorous training, focusing on guerrilla tactics and resistance suited to the Nordic environment. He urged citizens to engage in the defense effort, promoting events that celebrated patriotism and the contribution of every Nordravian to national security.

Legacy: The creation of the Military Forces under the command of Keiser Erik Marson resulted in a respectable army that quickly became a symbol of strength and unity for the people of Nordravia. Erik was praised for his vision and determination, and his role in defending the nation was solidified in the country's history.

Today, the Military Forces of Nordravia are under the command of Keiser Giovanni Marson, who continues the tradition of defense and patriotism established since the army’s founding. Giovanni remains committed to strengthening and modernizing the armed forces, ensuring that Nordravia stays safe and prepared to face the challenges of the contemporary world. Under his leadership, the army evolves, incorporating new technologies and tactics while preserving the fundamental values of courage and determination that define the Nordravian people.

Soldiers: 58,275
Tanks: 650
Aircraft: 21
Ships: 3
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/27/2024 06:05 pm