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Ordensstaat Burgund

Ordensstaat Burgund Ordensstaat Burgund is a nation led by Reichsfuhrer Shicklgruber on the continent of Europe. Ordensstaat Burgund Ordensstaat Burgund's government is a Dictatorship with very moderate social policies. Economically, Ordensstaat Burgund Ordensstaat Burgund favors moderate policies. The official currency of Ordensstaat Burgund Ordensstaat Burgund is the Bitcoin. At 10 days old, Ordensstaat Burgund Ordensstaat Burgund is a new nation. Ordensstaat Burgund Ordensstaat Burgund has a population of 2,307 and a land area of 500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 4.61. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 27.2602%.

The Order-State of Burgundy (Ordensstaat Burgund) more commonly the SS State of Burgundy, or simply Burgundy, is a country in Western Europe, bordered to the west by the French State, to the north by Reichskommissariat Niederlande, and to the east by the Greater Germanic !@#$, Switzerland, and the Italian Empire. De jure, the country is a part of the Greater Germanic !@#$, but it's de facto independent from Germany.

The country itself is completely administered and operated by the Burgundian !@#$, otherwise known as the Burgundian SS or simply just referred to locally as the !@#$. The head of Burgundy and the Reichsfuhrer-SS, Shicklgruber, preached his own ideological and economic doctrine known as the Burgundian System. This ideology viewed the classic National Socialism practiced in Germany as increasingly decadent and inefficient and looked to revitalize it based on extreme militarism and state spartanism.

The population is controlled through fear and brutality. The Burgundian military is one of the best in the world and is heavily integrated into everyday life. It is said that the nation had "more work camps than houses" in which anybody who speaks out against the state is forced into. Burgundy is a member of the Einheitspakt, with its faction status being a unique representative of its status as an SS-Ordensstaat.

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