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Stellar Colony of Memphis

Stellar Colony of Memphis is a nation led by President Juno C Goines on the continent of North America. Stellar Colony of Memphis's government is a Democratic Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, Stellar Colony of Memphis favors left wing policies. The official currency of Stellar Colony of Memphis is the Dollar. At 166 days old, Stellar Colony of Memphis is a mature nation. Stellar Colony of Memphis has a population of 302,401 and a land area of 1,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 302.40. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

-Links are implemented in order to provide sufficient information as this nation is heavily lore based- 
-All links here lead to Wikipedia.-
The Incorporated Stellar Territory of Memphis is a direct colony of the United States of Carlia. The Territory encompasses much of the general Memphis area, with the most populated incorporated city & capital being Memphis. (More info in Factbook)




Map of claimed & integrated lands (Different colored nations are not apart of the territory.)


Homeland info and map

Homeland Map and very basic information of the overruling government, different planet btw.

 (as you see, this is kinda a serious parody of earth- I thought Robloxia was a cool name so that’s why the capital is named that, no ties to a certain platform.)



Photo no.1

Present day drone shot of downtown Memphis- take note of the multiple fires still burning within the area.   (April 20th, 2098)



Photo no.2

Famous Memphis sign near the riverfront of the Mississippi River.. has significantly worn down overtime.

(May 15th, 2100)




Photo no.3 

Newly transported M10A4 Hydrus in training in Fort Alfa. Recently deployed to Memphis in order to contain/destroy  newly introduced gang armored cars..
Apart of the 15th Celestial Armored Brigade.


(April 16th, 2104)

-Note, the M10A4 is the in-lore stand in for the IRL M2 - 3 Bradley-

Photo no. 4

Memphis Riot control attempting to clear the downtown, Union Ave.

(April 2nd, 2104)


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