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Rajya Utkal is a nation led by Raja Jeet on the continent of Asia. Rajya Utkal's government is a Communist Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Rajya Utkal favors left wing policies. The official currency of Rajya Utkal is the Rupee. At 11 days old, Rajya Utkal is a new nation. Rajya Utkal has a population of 334,522 and a land area of 5,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 66.90. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

The kingdom Of Raja Jeet. Inspired real world ancient Indian kingdom, Kalinga. A Peaceful Kingdom.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)09/28/2024 06:16 pm VoximoreUtkalVoximore$109,901.00698.000.00105.0018.007.0058.003.007.0024.0019.0030.00
2)09/27/2024 01:42 pm UtkalThe Knights Radiant BankUtkal$19,000,000.000.001,236.00155.00700.00624.001,
3)09/26/2024 11:30 am SojanUtkalSojan$27,710.000.00198.001.000.00103.00208.
4)09/26/2024 11:30 am The Kingdom of AlbaniaUtkalThe Kingdom of Albania$2,113,820.000.00125.000.000.0035.0071.002.007.00177.00153.000.00
5)09/26/2024 11:30 am CYAN PHANTOM ISLANDUtkalCYAN PHANTOM ISLAND$2,256,583.
6)09/26/2024 11:29 am AndaciaUtkalAndacia$1,582,268.000.00280.006.000.00151.00277.000.0022.00154.0095.000.00
7)09/26/2024 11:29 am zarkaUtkalzarka$2,712,200.000.00298.000.000.00107.0078.
8)09/24/2024 08:37 am River KingdomUtkalRiver Kingdom$5,020,879.
9)09/24/2024 08:37 am GrolandUtkalGroland$4,205,817.000.0027.0010.
10)09/24/2024 08:36 am Kingdom of Great RobrolandUtkalKingdom of Great Robroland$2,074,202.001,627.0084.
11)09/24/2024 08:36 am solvienUtkalsolvien$1,823,621.
12)09/24/2024 08:35 am The Empire Of StatumUtkalThe Empire Of Statum$857,248.000.00194.002.000.00228.00161.
13)09/21/2024 11:08 am The Knights Radiant BankUtkalCostco Wholesale$8,396,806.

Showing 0-15 of 13 Records