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Grossetum et Prugna

Grossetum et Prugna is a nation led by Rex Camillus Accius Piso on the continent of Europe. Grossetum et Prugna's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Grossetum et Prugna favors moderate policies. The official currency of Grossetum et Prugna is the Denarius Grossetani. At 12 days old, Grossetum et Prugna is a new nation. Grossetum et Prugna has a population of 410,040 and a land area of 4,809.32 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 85.26. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 47.0616%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Grossetum et Prugna
Leader Name: Camillus Accius Piso
Currency: Currency Image
Denarius Grossetani
National Animal: National Animal Image
Golden eagle
History: A group of people in Corsica that maintained the Roman culture and language gained independence from France and are a City State
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 7,739.83 sq. km
Terrain: Mountainous
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
Climate: Moderate
People & Society
Population: 410,040 people
Demonym: Grossetanus et Prugnanus
Demonym Plural: Grossetani et Prugnani
Ethnic Groups: Roman - 100.0%
Languages: Latin - 100.0%
Italian - 100.0%
Religions: Grossetan Christianity - 100.0%
Life Expectancy: 80 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Capitalist
Average Yearly Income: $91.41
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $254,636,463.00
GDP per Capita: $621.00
Gross National Income (GNI): $130,939,735.00
Industries: Plums and military equipment
History: Lacks equipment but makes up for it in discipline and training.
Soldiers: 58,953
Tanks: 929
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/08/2024 05:59 am