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United Islamic Empire of Tunigeria is a nation led by King Karim Ben Yassine on the continent of Africa. United Islamic Empire of Tunigeria's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, United Islamic Empire of Tunigeria favors left wing policies. The official currency of United Islamic Empire of Tunigeria is the Tunigerian Dinar. At 23 days old, United Islamic Empire of Tunigeria is a young nation. United Islamic Empire of Tunigeria has a population of 243,876 and a land area of 2,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 97.55. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 28.4182%.

Tunigeria: Nation Information Page


Official Name: United Islamic Empire of Algeria and Tunisia


الإمبراطورية الإسلامية الموحدة في الجزائر وتونس


Unofficial Name: Tunigeria



General Information:


- Capital: Algiers

- Population: Approximately 54 million

- Official Languages: Arabic, French

- Recognized Language: Berber

- Demonym: Tunigerian

- Motto: "Unity in Strength"

- Formation Date:

- Time Zone: Central European Time (CET) UTC+1

- Calling Code: +219

- Internet TLD: .tg


Government Structure:


- Type: Constitutional Monarchy

- Head of State: King Karim I

- Head of Government: Prime Minister Leila Bensalah

- Legislature: Bicameral Parliament

  - Upper House: Council of the Nation

  - Lower House: People's National Assembly

- National Symbol: Crescent and Star

- Flag: (Description or image would go here)





- Currency: Tunigerian Dinar (TND)

- GDP (Nominal): $256 billion (2024 estimate)

- Major Industries: Oil and natural gas, mining (phosphates, iron ore), agriculture (wheat, barley, olives, dates), manufacturing (textiles, electronics, petrochemicals)





- Military Personnel:

  - Army: 130,000 active personnel

  - Navy: 34,000 active personnel

  - Air Force: 36,000 active personnel

  - Marines: 10,000 active personnel

  - Reserves: 150,000


- Army Equipment:

  - Tanks: 1,200 Main Battle Tanks

  - Armored Personnel Carriers: 1,400

  - Infantry Fighting Vehicles: 1,300

  - Artillery: 400 Towed Artillery units, 200 Self-propelled Artillery units

  - Multiple Launch Rocket Systems: 60

  - Anti-Tank Field Guns: 50

  - Light Multi-Purpose Vehicles: 1,500

  - Trucks: 2,800

  - Amphibious Vehicles: 100


- Air Force Units:

  - Fighter Jets: 160

  - Attack Helicopters: 50

  - Bombers: 20

  - Transport Aircraft: 45

  - Surveillance Aircraft: 10

  - Drones: 80 Reconnaissance Drones, 50 Combat Drones


- Navy Vessels:

  - Frigates: 10

  - Destroyers: 4

  - Attack Submarines: 6

  - Corvettes: 15

  - Patrol Boats: 30

  - Minesweepers: 8

  - Amphibious Assault Ships: 2



Natural Resources:


- Oil Production: Approximately 1.1 million barrels/day (Algeria), 38,000 barrels/day (Tunisia)

- Natural Gas Production:* Approximately 90 billion cubic meters/year (Algeria), 3 billion cubic meters/year (Tunisia)

- Minerals: Phosphates, iron ore, zinc, lead

- Agriculture: Olives (including olive oil), dates, wheat, barley, citrus fruits


Society and Culture:


- Religion: Predominantly Islam, with a mix of Sunni and Ibadi traditions

- Cultural Heritage: Rich blend of Arab, Berber, and French influences, with significant historical sites dating back to ancient Carthage and the Ottoman Empire

- Civil Rights: Strong emphasis on civil liberties, though balanced with Islamic traditions; progressive stance on gender equality in government but conservative on issues like LGBT rights

- Freedom of Speech: Generally protected, though subject to national security and public order considerations





- Total Area: 2,768,000 km²

- Major Cities: Algiers, Tunis, Oran, Sfax, Constantine

- Climate: Mediterranean along the coast, arid desert in the south (Sahara region)

- Key Geographic Features: Atlas Mountains, Sahara Desert, Mediterranean Coastline

Basic Information
Nation Name: Tunigeria
Leader Name: Karim Ben Yassine
Nation ID: 640541
Founded: 08/27/2024 (23 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 5 hours ago
Unique ID: ca8dac2354d5cbee057231e3a
International Relations
Alliance: The Mortals Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:21 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Beige Protection Bloc
Beige Turns Left: 14 (1.2 days)
Commendations: 9
Denouncements: 1
Nation Page Visits: 343
Population: 243,876
Infrastructure: 2,292.91
Land Area: 2,500 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 97.55 people/sq. mi
GDP: $488,798,448.00
GDP per Capita: $2,004.28
GNI: $403,610,430.00
Economic Policies: Left
Currency: Currency Image Tunigerian Dinar
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny Icon
Social Policies: Authoritarian
State Religion: Islam Islam
National Animal: National Animal ImageCat
Approval Rating: 28% (28.42)
Pollution Index: 40 points
Radiation Index: 835.03 R (Global: 761.58 R)
Nation Rank: #5,545 of 11,710 Nations (47.35%)
Nation Score: More Information 508.11
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 342.40
Infrastructure Lost: 255.00
Money Looted: $17,614,227.89
Wars Won: 5
Wars Lost: 1

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

5 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
09/19 01:30 pm - Konstantin Andropov of Usparia has publicly commended the nation of Tunigeria.
09/19 12:59 pm - Winston Young of FR Greater Florida has publicly commended the nation of Tunigeria.
09/17 05:07 pm - Tunigeria had war declared by PurPura for the reason of "Your state exploits resources unsustainably. We intervene to protect the planet.".
09/17 05:26 am - Tunigeria has publicly commended the nation of Clarisse led by Clarissa.
09/17 05:25 am - Clarissa of Clarisse has publicly commended the nation of Tunigeria.
09/15 04:31 pm - Tunigeria has publicly commended the nation of Kaliaria led by Backli.
09/15 11:11 am - Tunigeria had war declared by New Elysius for the reason of "You brought this on yourself".
09/14 12:07 pm - LordeDVD changed the alliance position of Karim Ben Yassine from applicant to Member.
09/14 10:50 am - Tunigeria declared war on Bebria for the reason of "A not-so-general dispute".
09/14 10:49 am - Tunigeria declared war on Brentopia for the reason of "Your navy looks cooler than ours, and we just can't let that slide.".
09/14 10:49 am - Tunigeria declared war on Toro for the reason of "Arrgh!".
09/14 10:47 am - Tunigeria declared war on Veritan for the reason of "Your existence is inefficient. War protocol activated.".
09/14 10:47 am - Tunigeria declared war on Maedonia for the reason of "Your memes are outdated. Prepare for battle.".
09/13 02:15 pm - Tunigeria changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Olive.
09/13 02:11 pm - Karim Ben Yassine built a new project: Activity Center
09/13 02:03 pm - Tunigeria founded a new city, Bouira.
09/13 02:02 pm - Tunigeria founded a new city, Sousse.
09/13 02:02 pm - Tunigeria founded a new city, Jijel.
09/13 02:01 pm - Tunigeria founded a new city, Tunis.
09/05 12:49 pm - Tunigeria has publicly denounced the nation of UwU Empire led by OwO.
09/05 07:06 am - OwO of UwU Empire has publicly denounced the nation of Tunigeria.
09/04 05:13 pm - Tunigeria has publicly commended the nation of Adastran Empire led by Amicus.
09/04 05:10 pm - Amicus of Adastran Empire has publicly commended the nation of Tunigeria.
09/01 03:25 pm - Tunigeria has publicly commended the nation of Allmenia led by Ronald I.
09/01 02:03 pm - Ronald I of Allmenia has publicly commended the nation of Tunigeria.
08/29 02:08 pm - Tunigeria has publicly commended the nation of AKRAMANIA led by roustom.
08/29 01:30 pm - roustom of AKRAMANIA has publicly commended the nation of Tunigeria.
08/29 01:09 pm - Tunigeria has publicly commended the nation of Formosa led by Sun Yat-Sen.
08/29 12:34 pm - Sun Yat-Sen of Formosa has publicly commended the nation of Tunigeria.
08/29 11:59 am - Tunigeria has publicly commended the nation of Pokeland led by Fukase.
Tunigeria Nation Info

Regularly updated

Civil War almost over

SWA almost wiped out

SWA almost completely destroyed

SWA forces pushed back

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1 National Project
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.