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Democratic Republic of Grestin is a nation led by President Martyn Gvozdno on the continent of Europe. Democratic Republic of Grestin's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Democratic Republic of Grestin favors left wing policies. The official currency of Democratic Republic of Grestin is the Franc. At 24 days old, Democratic Republic of Grestin is a young nation. Democratic Republic of Grestin has a population of 426,071 and a land area of 3,800.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 112.12. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 76.3551%.

History Of Grestin:

Formed out of the ashes of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795 as the Kingdom of St. Catherine (Named after Saint Catherine of Siena). From 1803-1815, saw one of the most crucial times in Grestin’s history. The brave warriors of St. Catherine fought hard against the First French Empire in order to maintain the existence of St. Catherine. With the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire by their side, St. Catherine never fell under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte and his Empire. With the end of the Unification of Germany in 1871, the Kingdom of St. Catherine sought to become close allies with this new German Empire. From 1893-1905, saw an increasing need for miners, as there was a huge deposit of emeralds from in the southwest of the country. A settlement was formed near the emerald mine, and this settlement would later become Szmaragd, and it would later become the capital city of Grestin.

The 1920s-1940s was the darkest time for Grestin. The Great Depression, World War II, and the Famine that followed after the Soviet Union “Liberated” St. Catherine. After World War II, the Kingdom of St. Catherine ceased to exist, becoming the People’s Republic of Grestin. Throughout the Cold War, Grestin was exploited by the Soviet Union for its resources, especially around Szmaragd, Złoto, and Rubin. It became a Satellite State for the Soviet Union’s sphere of influence. 

After the Fall of Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of Grestin became the Democratic Republic of Grestin. Grestin would take the road of neutrality, having been influenced by Switzerland. The President that was elected after the Fall of the Soviet Union, Rotislav Antyukh, was not favoured by the people because he was originally from Belarus. There were debates among the people over whether his leadership whether his leadership was influenced by the old Soviet system. Antyukh’s policies were seen as controversial, either too conservative or too reminiscent of Soviet-era control, which led to protests and calls for reform. The people of Grestin wanted a native Grestinči to lead them into the future. That is where Martyn Gvozdno was elected President in September of 1992. Gvozdno’s rise to power would mark a turning point for Grestin, with a renewed focus on national pride and identity. His leadership involved cultural revivals, economic reforms, and greater emphasis on neutrality. Gvozdno’s popularity stemmed from promises of true independence, economic recovery after Soviet exploitation, and a focus on rebuilding trust in the new democratic system.

With Antyukh being elected in March of 1992, his presidency was short lived, and he was quickly replaced by Gvozdno in September of the same year. Antyukh didn’t take this well, and upon returning to Belarus, he got into contact with the ChDKZ (Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star, nicknamed Chedaki), a Communist Separatist movement and Anti-Western terrorist organization in the country of Chernarus. On 5 February, 1994, 7 armed gunmen opened fire on the citizens of Szafir (The 3rd largest city in Grestin, which is also located near the Grestinči-Belarusian border. 69 innocent people lost their lives, including women and children and around 125 people sustained life threatening wounds. The local police were able to kill 3 of 7, wounded 2 more, and the final two committed suicide. The perpetrators were identified to be; 
- Dalkhan Shishani, 46, Chechen, Committed suicide
- Alik Rahmanov, 24, Chechen, Shot and Wounded by police, serving 12 consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.
- Dženan Bajrović, 27, Bosnian, killed by police.
- Svetoslav Kotka, 31, Russian, Committed suicide.
- Lev Nizhniyzaliv, 18, Russian, shot and wounded by police, serving 7 consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.
- Zmitser Srbizari, 36, Belarusian, killed by police.
- Mikita Zvir, 25, Belarusian, killed by police.

After the Szafir Mass Shooting in 1994, Russian president Boris Yeltsin, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and other many world leaders and UN and EU representatives and officials visited Szafir and would attend the funeral of those who were killed and he would visit those who were hospitalised. The United Nations, along with Yeltsin and Belarus’s new president Alexander Lukashenko publicly condemned the Chedaki and Antyukh. Bush and Yeltsin approved the launch of Project Novyy Sapfir/Nowy Szafir, a project that would aim to help rebuild Szafir. Buildings were repaired and improved. A larger police station was built with the addition of better equipment for the local and federal police. A bigger hospital was built and was equipped with more modern equipment. A memorial was built on the hill overlooking Szafir with the names of those who were killed and the memorial was built facing west, which is the direction that the sun sets. 
Bush, Lukashenko, and Yeltsin ordered a manhunt for Antyukh, with the Spetsnaz, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta (Commonly known as Delta Force) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) being deployed where the Chedaki were rumoured to be located in, South Zagoria, Chernarus. Antyukh was arrested in August of 1997, after the Spetsnaz raided his home in Nagornoe, South Zagoria. He was brought back to Grestin where he was tried in federal court and sentenced to death via hanging. On 19 December, 1999 at 8:25 AM, Antyukh was hung in front of the Grestin Capital Building, and his execution was filmed live on television. After Antyukh was confirmed to be dead, Both Bush and Yeltsin suggested to Gvozdno that Antyukh’s body was to be dumped into the ocean, which Gvozdno agreed. On 31 December, 1999, on New Year’s Eve, Antyukh’s body was dumped into the freezing cold water in the Artic 

The Federal Neutrality Act of Grestin


The Democratic Republic of Grestin, recognizing the importance of peace and stability within its borders and the international community, hereby enacts this Neutrality Act to affirm its perpetual status as a neutral state. The Grestin Neutrality Act seeks to ensure that the country will not engage in military alliances or conflicts, while maintaining the ability to defend its sovereignty, participate in humanitarian efforts, and promote peace worldwide.


Article 1: Declaration of Neutrality

1. Grestin declares itself a permanently neutral state.
2. The state of neutrality shall be maintained in all future international conflicts, whether regional or global, regardless of the participating nations.
3. Grestin shall not enter into military alliances, coalitions, or defense pacts with other nations.
4. Grestin's neutrality applies to both defensive and offensive military engagements, unless the country’s territorial integrity or sovereignty is directly violated.


Article 2: Commitment to Peaceful Diplomacy

1. Grestin shall promote diplomatic and peaceful resolutions to conflicts between nations and will offer its services as a mediator, arbitrator, or host for peace negotiations when appropriate.
2. Grestin will maintain friendly diplomatic relations with all countries, regardless of their political or military affiliations, provided that such relations respect the principles of international law and human rights.
3. Grestin shall actively participate in international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union, where its neutral stance can contribute to global stability.


Article 3: Defense of Territorial Sovereignty

1. Grestin shall retain the right to defend its territory and sovereignty from any form of external aggression or occupation.
2. The Federal Armed Forces of Grestin shall be tasked with the protection of Grestin’s borders and the security of its citizens. Their deployment is strictly defensive in nature.
3. In the event of an armed conflict that threatens Grestin’s territory, the government reserves the right to mobilize defensive forces to ensure national security, while maintaining its position of neutrality in foreign conflicts.


Article 4: Non-Participation in Foreign Military Conflicts

1. Grestin shall not participate in any military conflict, whether on its own or as part of a coalition of states.
2. Grestin will not allow foreign military forces to operate from, or establish military bases within, its borders.
3. The sale of arms and military equipment to nations involved in active conflicts is prohibited, in order to avoid any indirect participation in hostilities.
4. Grestin will not impose sanctions or embargoes that could be perceived as taking sides in any conflict.


Article 5: Humanitarian Assistance and Peacekeeping

1. Grestin will contribute to international humanitarian efforts to relieve suffering caused by war, natural disasters, or other crises, through monetary aid, the provision of relief supplies, and the dispatch of medical and civilian support teams.
2. Grestin may provide non-military personnel to United Nations peacekeeping missions, provided that these missions are strictly for humanitarian or reconstruction purposes.
3. Grestin shall collaborate with international organizations to ensure the protection of civilians and uphold human rights in times of conflict.


Article 6: Economic and Trade Policies

1. Grestin will maintain open economic and trade relations with all nations, irrespective of their involvement in conflicts, provided that such relations adhere to international law and respect human rights.
2. In times of global conflict, Grestin will ensure that its trade policies remain neutral and unbiased, refraining from imposing preferential treatment or embargoes on nations at war.


Article 7: Neutrality in Alliances and International Organizations

1. Grestin will remain a neutral actor in its participation in international organizations, and shall not endorse or join military alliances such as NATO or similar coalitions.
2. Grestin will use its membership in the United Nations and other organizations to advocate for peaceful resolutions, human rights protections, and international cooperation, ensuring that its contributions remain free of partisan influence or alignment.


Article 8: Legal Enforcement of Neutrality

1. Violations of the principles of neutrality by any entity within the territory of Grestin, including individuals, companies, and foreign actors, shall be prosecuted under federal law.
2. The Federal Government of Grestin is responsible for monitoring compliance with this Act and may take appropriate legal or diplomatic measures to ensure the preservation of neutrality.
3. Any attempt by foreign powers to undermine Grestin’s neutrality through coercion, military presence, or diplomatic pressure will be regarded as a direct violation of Grestin’s sovereignty and will warrant defensive measures as outlined in Article 3.


Article 9: Amendments to the Neutrality Act

1. This Act may only be amended through a referendum in which a majority of Grestin’s citizens approve the change.
2. Any proposed amendment must be consistent with Grestin’s core commitment to peace, stability, and neutrality.
3. The government shall regularly review the Act to ensure that it remains adaptable to evolving global conditions while upholding the principles of neutrality.



By enacting this Neutrality Act, Grestin reaffirms its commitment to peace, diplomacy, and the protection of human rights on the global stage. Through neutrality, Grestin will contribute to global stability while maintaining its sovereignty, independence, and security.

Martyn Gvozdno, President of the Democratic Republic of Grestin
The National Assembly of Grestin  
Dated: September 19, 1999

Map Of Grestin


Downtown Szmaragd (circa August, 2010)


Southeast Szmaragd


North Szmaragd (Nearby the Emerald Mining Site)


Grestin Capital Building


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Air Learner
Martyn Gvozdno
10:25 am
Steel 100Sell 437,600
(4,376 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:58 am
2)The Republic of Korea
Joshua Kim II
The Knights Radiant
Martyn Gvozdno
08:04 am
Steel 500Sell 2,257,500
(4,515 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:46 am
Martyn Gvozdno
Ajman State
Rakan Bin Huthlen
The Immortals
02:53 am
Food 370Buy 53,280
(144 ea)
Accepted Accepted
06:18 pm
Martyn Gvozdno
03:26 pm
Iron 295Sell 1,090,910
(3,698 ea)
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03:52 pm
Federated States of Orbis
Martyn Gvozdno
05:14 am
Lead 324Sell 1,360,800
(4,200 ea)
Accepted Accepted
03:52 pm
6)Kins town
Martyn Gvozdno
03:01 pm
Uranium 1,000Sell 3,109,000
(3,109 ea)
Accepted Accepted
03:51 pm
7)New South Seattle
Martyn Gvozdno
06:05 pm
Uranium 300Sell 960,000
(3,200 ea)
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03:51 pm
The Syndicate
Martyn Gvozdno
08:53 am
Munitions 500Sell 1,142,000
(2,284 ea)
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02:03 pm
The Great Hailrake
Martyn Gvozdno
11:16 am
Iron 60Sell 231,600
(3,860 ea)
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02:02 pm
10)Penguin Socialist Republics
Polar Bear
Union of Ununified Nations
Martyn Gvozdno
09:15 am
Iron 100Sell 380,000
(3,800 ea)
Accepted Accepted
02:02 pm
The Knights Radiant
Martyn Gvozdno
08:37 pm
Lead 8Sell 33,920
(4,240 ea)
Accepted Accepted
02:02 pm
Tim Maia
Empire of the Romans
Martyn Gvozdno
07:56 pm
Uranium 278Sell 868,472
(3,124 ea)
Accepted Accepted
02:02 pm
Martyn Gvozdno
12:45 pm
Steel 550Sell 2,279,200
(4,144 ea)
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02:01 pm
Error 404
Martyn Gvozdno
02:04 pm
Aluminum 100Sell 999,700
(9,997 ea)
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01:40 am
Martyn Gvozdno
12:57 am
Aluminum 900Sell 2,163,600
(2,404 ea)
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01:39 am

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