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New England Republic

Achievement Showcase


New England Republic is a nation led by President Phoenix Weber on the continent of North America. New England Republic's government is a Constitutional Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, New England Republic favors right wing policies. The official currency of New England Republic is the New England Dollar. At 45 days old, New England Republic is an established nation. New England Republic has a population of 2,052,469 and a land area of 23,100.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 88.85. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 89.5617%.

Our Government

President: Phoenix Weber (NPP)

Vice President: Dawn Shel (FP)

Chancellor of the Senate: Erick Jong (FP) 

House Speaker: Joseph Langley (NPP)

Chief Secretary of State: Elise Proximus (IND)

Secretary of Finance: Hunter Denison (FP)

Secretary of Environment: Gavin Alexander (NEPP)

Secretary of Social Justice: Kia Lisa (NELP)

Secretary of Transportation: Tenio Juno (CFP)

Secretary of Health & Social Care: Ben Sterling (CFP)

Secretary of Education: Keith Ethers (IND)

Secretary of Development: George Beck (FP)

Secretary of Electricity and Science: Finn Yusef (TP)

Secretary of Tourism & Culture: Beth Neumann (NPP) 


New England Republic's Constitution
New England Republic Constitution. - Google Docs

New England Central Government Laws
New England Republics Laws passed (temp & Perm) - Google Docs

Political Parties

New Prosperity Party (Populist-Libertarianism): 66.78%
Federalist Party (Liberal-Conservatism): 57.22%
New England Labour Party (Social Democracy): 44.78%
Constitutionalist Freedom Party (Populist-Conservatism): 35.24%
Technocratic Party (Techno-Republicanism): 36.81%
Independent (Non-Aligned Big Tent): 31.36%
New England Pine Party (Democratic-Republican Environmentalism): 29.49%

More Details of the Parties Below:
New England Republic Political Parties - Google Docs

Central Government Agencies
Civil Bureau Intelligence Agency (2102)
National Child Protection Agency (2103)

National & Regular Holidays
Christmas (Dec 25th)
Halloween (Oct 31st)
New Easter (April 5th) 
Boston Massacre Mourning Day (July 10th)
Republic Formation Day (November 9th)
New Years (January 1st)
St. Patrick's Day (March 17th)
Thanksgiving (November 28th)
Valentine's Day (February 17th)
New Labor Day (September 8th)
Veteran Honors Day (July 4th)
Memorial Day (May 20th)

New England Congress:



NPP: Yellow.  FP: Dark Blue.  NELP: Pink.  CFP: Light Purple.  Independent: Gray-White.

House of Representatives


NPP: Yellow.  FP: Dark Blue.  NELP: Pink.  CFP: Light Purple. Cyan: TP.   Independent: Gray-White.  Green: NEPP.

Voter Registration by !@#$/Gender Identity

Men: 44%

Women: 41%

Other (Non-Binary, Demi, Intersex, etc.): 15%

View Nation Factbook | View Nation

National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: New England Republic
Leader Name: Phoenix Weber
Currency: Currency Image
New England Dollar
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Rebirth of the New England Republic

The year was 2090, and New England was on the brink of collapse. For a decade, the region had been engulfed in a brutal and relentless conflict as pro-Democratic Republicans rose against the oppressive communist states that had seized control. The war was marked by immense hardship, fear, and unwavering devotion to the cause of liberty. After ten grueling years, the nation collapsed under the weight of its own turmoil. Two years later, from the ashes of war, the New England Republic was born, led by the charismatic populist libertarian, Phoenix Weber.

The Dawn of Rebellion

The roots of rebellion took hold in the late 2080s. The communist regime had promised equality and security but delivered only tyranny and fear. Freedoms were stripped away, and dissenters disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. In this climate of oppression, whispers of resistance began to spread. Phoenix Weber, a young and passionate advocate for liberty, became the face of the movement.

Weber’s fiery speeches ignited the hearts of many. He spoke of a future where every person could speak their mind without fear, where justice and democracy reigned supreme. His words resonated with the disenfranchised and oppressed, and a movement was born. The war officially began in 2090, a year that would be forever etched in the annals of history as the start of New England’s struggle for freedom.

A Decade of War

The early years of the war were brutal. The Democratic Republicans, vastly outnumbered and outgunned, waged a guerrilla campaign against the communist forces. They hid in forests, struck from the shadows, and melted away before the enemy could retaliate. The people of New England endured unimaginable hardship—harsh winters, food shortages, and the constant threat of death. Yet, their resolve never wavered.

Phoenix Weber proved to be not only a visionary leader but also a master strategist. He orchestrated daring raids and surprise attacks, keeping the enemy off balance. His ability to inspire hope and resilience in his followers became legendary. He shared in their hardships, fought alongside them, and comforted them in their darkest hours. Under his leadership, the Democratic Republicans held their ground and slowly began to turn the tide.

The Turning Point

By the mid-2090s, the tide of the war began to shift. The Democratic Republicans gained control of key territories and secured vital resources. However, the communist regime, desperate to maintain its grip on power, unleashed a wave of brutal reprisals. Entire towns were razed, and civilians were massacred. The conflict reached its peak of savagery, but the spirit of the resistance remained unbroken.

In 2098, the Democratic Republicans achieved a decisive victory at the Battle of Concord. It was a costly battle, with many lives lost, but it marked a turning point in the war. The regime’s hold on power began to crumble, and more people rallied to the cause of freedom. Phoenix Weber’s leadership during this period was crucial. He not only led military campaigns but also worked tirelessly to provide aid and support to the war-weary population.

The Collapse and Rebirth

By 2100, the communist regime was on the brink of collapse. The leaders of the regime, faced with inevitable defeat, fled the country, leaving a power vacuum in their wake. The Democratic Republicans moved swiftly to restore order, to provide relief to the suffering, and to lay the foundations for a new government. The war had left the nation in ruins, but amidst the devastation, there was a profound sense of hope and possibility.

For two years, the people of New England worked tirelessly to rebuild their shattered homeland. The scars of war were everywhere, but so too was the determination to create a better future. Phoenix Weber, now widely regarded as the hero of the revolution, played a central role in these efforts. He worked alongside farmers, engineers, teachers, and doctors, understanding that the strength of the new nation lay in the unity and resilience of its people.

The First Election

In 2102, the New England Republic was officially born. The time had come to elect the nation’s first president. Phoenix Weber, with his unwavering dedication to liberty and justice, stood as a candidate. His populist libertarian ideals, emphasizing individual freedoms, limited government, and the rule of law, resonated deeply with the populace.

The election was a momentous event. Citizens, many of whom had fought alongside Weber, cast their votes in a spirit of hope and renewal. The results were overwhelming: Phoenix Weber won by a landslide, a testament to the trust and faith the people placed in him. His victory was celebrated with joy and tears, marking the dawn of a new era for New England.

The Birth of the New England Republic

With Phoenix Weber as its first president, the New England Republic was officially born. It stood as a beacon of democracy and freedom in a world still marred by authoritarianism. Weber’s leadership and vision provided a strong foundation for the fledgling nation, guiding it through the challenges of reconstruction and healing.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 37,175.75 sq. km
Terrain: Terrain of the New England Republic

The New England Republic, spanning the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, boasts a diverse and picturesque terrain that reflects the rugged beauty and resilience of its people. This region, with its mix of coastal plains, rolling hills, dense forests, and towering mountains, offers a unique landscape that has shaped the character and history of its inhabitants.

Coastal Regions

The eastern edge of the New England Republic is defined by its stunning coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. From the rocky shores of Maine, where lighthouses stand sentinel against the crashing waves, to the sandy beaches of Cape Cod in Massachusetts, the coast is both beautiful and treacherous. The coastal plains are dotted with quaint fishing villages, bustling ports, and historic cities like Boston, which play a crucial role in trade and commerce.

Mountainous Areas

Inland, the terrain becomes more rugged as it rises into the Appalachian Mountains, specifically the White Mountains of New Hampshire and the Green Mountains of Vermont. These areas are characterized by steep, forested slopes, deep valleys, and alpine peaks. Mount Washington, the highest peak in the northeastern United States, stands as a formidable natural landmark. These mountainous regions are not only breathtakingly beautiful but also provide natural fortifications and a rich supply of resources such as timber and minerals.

Forests and Woodlands

The heart of the New England Republic is dominated by dense forests and woodlands. These forests are a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees, creating a vibrant tapestry of colors, especially during the autumn months. The forests are home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, black bears, and numerous bird species. The vast woodlands have been crucial for both the economy and the survival of the people, offering timber, game, and a sanctuary during the turbulent years of conflict.

Rivers and Lakes

The region is crisscrossed by numerous rivers and dotted with glacial lakes, providing vital water sources and transportation routes. The Connecticut River, one of the longest rivers in New England, flows through the heart of the Republic, offering fertile lands for agriculture and a means of transport and trade. The lakes, including Lake Champlain and Moosehead Lake, are not only scenic but also support fishing and recreation, contributing to the region’s sustenance and economy.

Agricultural Lands

Between the forests and mountains, the New England Republic features fertile valleys and plains that are ideal for agriculture. The Connecticut River Valley is particularly renowned for its rich soil and productive farms, which grow a variety of crops including corn, potatoes, and apples. Dairy farming is also prominent, with numerous small farms producing milk, cheese, and other dairy products. The agricultural lands are the backbone of the Republic’s food supply, ensuring self-sufficiency and resilience.
Highest Peak: Mt. , 4,239 meters
Lowest Valley: Basin, -900 meters
Climate: Climate of the New England Republic

The New England Republic, comprising the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, experiences a diverse climate influenced by its varied terrain and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The climate ranges from coastal maritime to inland continental, providing a distinct seasonal pattern that has a profound impact on the region’s lifestyle, agriculture, and natural environment.

Coastal Climate

The coastal regions of the New England Republic benefit from a maritime climate, characterized by milder winters and cooler summers compared to the inland areas. The proximity to the Atlantic Ocean moderates temperatures, reducing the extremes that are typical of the interior. Coastal areas, such as those along the shores of Maine and Massachusetts, often experience foggy mornings and damp, windy conditions due to ocean breezes. Precipitation is relatively high throughout the year, with coastal storms and nor’easters bringing significant rainfall and snowfall, especially during the winter months.

Inland Climate

Moving inland, the climate becomes more continental, with more pronounced seasonal variations. The interior regions, including the mountainous areas of New Hampshire and Vermont, experience colder winters and warmer summers. Snowfall is substantial in the winter, particularly in the higher elevations, creating a winter wonderland that attracts winter sports enthusiasts. Summers in the interior can be warm and humid, with temperatures occasionally reaching into the 80s and 90s (Fahrenheit). Spring and fall are transitional seasons marked by mild temperatures and vibrant foliage, especially in the forests and mountainous regions.


Winter in the New England Republic is long and harsh, particularly in the northern and interior areas. Snow is a common feature, with significant accumulations that can lead to snow-covered landscapes from late November through March. Coastal areas receive less snow but can be affected by icy conditions and strong winds. The coldest months are January and February, with temperatures often dropping below freezing, and in the northern regions, it can dip well below zero. Despite the harsh conditions, winter also brings opportunities for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports, especially in the mountainous regions.


Spring is a season of renewal, marked by melting snow, budding trees, and blooming flowers. It arrives slowly, especially in the northern regions, with temperatures gradually rising from March through May. Rainfall is common, helping to replenish water supplies and support the growth of new vegetation. The warming temperatures and longer daylight hours bring a sense of rejuvenation and optimism after the long winter months. Spring is also a critical time for agriculture, as farmers prepare their fields for planting.


Summer in the New England Republic is warm and often humid, particularly in the inland areas. Coastal regions enjoy cooler temperatures due to ocean breezes, making them popular destinations for tourists seeking relief from the heat. July and August are the warmest months, with temperatures ranging from the 70s to the 90s (Fahrenheit). Thunderstorms are common in the afternoons and evenings, providing relief from the heat and contributing to the region’s lush greenery. Summer is a time for outdoor activities, including hiking, boating, and enjoying the region’s many lakes and rivers.


Fall is arguably the most iconic season in the New England Republic, renowned for its stunning foliage. As temperatures begin to drop in September, the leaves on deciduous trees transform into brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow, attracting visitors from around the world. Fall is a season of crisp, cool air, with daytime temperatures ranging from the 50s to the 70s (Fahrenheit). It is also the harvest season, with farmers bringing in crops and celebrating with festivals and fairs. The beauty and bounty of fall make it a cherished time for the people of New England.

The climate of the New England Republic is as varied and dynamic as its terrain, offering a unique blend of coastal maritime and inland continental influences. Each season brings its own challenges and rewards, shaping the way of life and the natural environment in profound ways. From the snow-covered winters to the vibrant autumn foliage, the climate of the New England Republic is a testament to the region’s resilience and enduring beauty.
People & Society
Population: 2,052,469 people
Demonym: New English
Demonym Plural: New Englanders
Ethnic Groups: New English - 76.4%
Native American - 13.6%
Canadian - 10.0%
Languages: English - 65.4%
New English - 35.4%
French-Canadian - 12.0%
Religions: Christianity - 42.5%
Catholicism - 40.5%
Judaism - 8.0%
Life Expectancy: 89 years
Obesity: 9%
Alcohol Users: 20%
Tobacco Users: 10.4%
Cannabis Users: 35%
Hard Drug Users: 4.9%
Description: This nation economic functions is a free market capitalism system.
Average Yearly Income: $185.49
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2,447,037,010.00
GDP per Capita: $1,192.24
Gross National Income (GNI): $1,271,178,565.00
Industries: Major Industries: Iron, Coal, Steel, and Uranium.
History: The New England Military was formed after the reformation of the republic in 2102.
Soldiers: 120,000
Tanks: 6,750
Aircraft: 480
Ships: 75
Missiles: 4
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/06/2024 12:45 am