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Descendants of Athens

Achievement Showcase


The Golden Ratio Republic of the Descendants of Athens is a nation led by The Acuult Supman Aileron on the continent of Australia. The Golden Ratio Republic of the Descendants of Athens's government is a Theocratic Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Golden Ratio Republic of the Descendants of Athens favors left wing policies. The official currency of The Golden Ratio Republic of the Descendants of Athens is the Kowlt. At 50 days old, The Golden Ratio Republic of the Descendants of Athens is an established nation. The Golden Ratio Republic of the Descendants of Athens has a population of 1,386,918 and a land area of 15,950.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 86.95. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.






Summary of the lore:

On May 5th, 2059, following the collapse of society, the remaining citizens of Greece established a small theocratic civilization on the east coast of Australia. This new nation, known as the Theocratic Republic of DOA (formerly the Lateralus Descendants of Athens), thrived for several decades. However, in 2101, a catastrophic power failure struck the capital of DOA, devastating the entire society. Now, only Mr. Aileron and two large cities remain as remnants of this once-prosperous civilization..
















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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Descendants of Athens
Leader Name: Supman Aileron
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
The Lateral ǵhau
History: 2059: DOA is Established and Erected, Mr Aileron is Elected, Partnership program in the projects.
2089: Immortalism program initiated for Mr Aileron
2099: Peace has been held for 40 years Statue of Aileron is built in Aileron.
2100: Public holiday shakes country in to a party status to celebrate 100 years of life.
2102: Present. Mr Aileron is still president.
Continent: Australia
Land Area: 25,668.97 sq. km
Terrain: Semi brought terrain.
Hilly, beachy, Quiet.
No lakes.
Highest Peak: Mt. Mguire, 2,574 meters
Lowest Valley: Mid Basin, -500 meters
Climate: Weather is Mediocre in all seasons.

Summer is hotter than normal.
People & Society
Population: 1,386,918 people
Demonym: Athenian, Descendant of a Lateral, Athen
Demonym Plural: Athenians. Laterals. Cool Dudes
Ethnic Groups: Greek. - 63.0%
English / White - 34.0%
Australian - 8.5%
Languages: English - 50.0%
Greek - 25.0%
Russian - 25.0%
Religions: Lateralism - 60.0%
Christian - 20.0%
New Tartarism? - 10.0%
Life Expectancy: 96 years
Obesity: 10%
Alcohol Users: 34%
Tobacco Users: 53%
Cannabis Users: 50%
Hard Drug Users: 2%
Description: This nation's economy system is Socialism
Average Yearly Income: $60.42
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,196,315,363.00
GDP per Capita: $862.57
Gross National Income (GNI): $426,039,680.00
Industries: Major industry is Ailco
History: Armed in 2059. Rearmed following after [Redacted] in 2101.
Soldiers: 150,000
Tanks: 11,875
Aircraft: 750
Ships: 137
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 08/30/2024 02:48 am