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Blue Ora

The Great Kingdom of Blue Ora is a nation led by President Albin on the continent of Africa. The Great Kingdom of Blue Ora's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Great Kingdom of Blue Ora favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Great Kingdom of Blue Ora is the Bitcoin. At 230 days old, The Great Kingdom of Blue Ora is an old nation. The Great Kingdom of Blue Ora has a population of 499,914 and a land area of 11,068.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 45.17. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Blue Ora is a democratic republic country which focus on Economic and Military power. We welcome everyone to our country. People have right to practice any kind of Religion, But people can't force others to practice Religion expect Christianity because This country is build on Catholic government and we follow Catholic rituals. We support Human Rights. 

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Blue Ora
Leader Name: Albin
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Born from the ashes of a once-monarchic regime, the Great Kingdom of Blue Ora is a fledgling nation. King Albin, a visionary leader, transformed his kingdom into a democratic republic, a radical shift for the continent. The transition has been tumultuous, marked by rapid economic and social changes. Despite challenges, the citizens of Blue Ora have embraced their newfound freedoms, granting their president a strong approval rating. Yet, the nation grapples with severe pollution issues, a legacy of the past that the young government is determined to address. With a burgeoning population and limited land, Blue Ora faces a complex path to sustainable development.
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 17,812.18 sq. km
Terrain: The terrain is diverse, featuring coastal plains, fertile river valleys, and undulating hills inland. Dense forests once covered parts of the region but have significantly dwindled due to deforestation.
Highest Peak: Mt.Mala, 10,000 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
Climate: Situated in the heart of India with coastal access to the Arabian Sea, Blue Ora experiences a tropical monsoon climate. Summers are scorching with high humidity, while winters bring mild temperatures. The monsoon season is a lifeline, providing essential rainfall for agriculture
People & Society
Population: 499,914 people
Demonym: Oran
Demonym Plural: Oras
Ethnic Groups: Indians - 89.0%
Englishs - 10.0%
Europens - 1.0%
Languages: English - 70.0%
Hindi - 20.0%
Tamil - 10.0%
Religions: Catholic - 80.0%
Hindusim - 10.5%
Athesit - 9.5%
Life Expectancy: 70 years
Obesity: 10%
Alcohol Users: 45%
Tobacco Users: 39%
Cannabis Users: 5%
Hard Drug Users: 9%
With a GDP of 225 million, Blue Ora is a developing nation heavily reliant on its natural resources. Logging remains a significant sector, providing employment and export revenue. Manufacturing is in its infancy, with a focus on labor-intensive industries such as oil refinerines, steel, aircrafts, ships. Commerce is primarily domestic. The nation's economic future hinges on diversifying its economy, improving infrastructure, and attracting foreign investment.
Average Yearly Income: $74.12
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $236,244,914.00
GDP per Capita: $472.57
Gross National Income (GNI): $150,530,380.00
Industries: Logging
History: Despite being a young nation, Blue Ora has established a formidable military force. A dedicated corps of 3,000 soldiers, equipped with modern weaponry and trained by experienced personnel, forms the backbone of the nation's defense. Supported by a small but capable naval fleet, anchored by a versatile warship, Blue Ora maintains a strong coastal presence. The nation’s aerial capabilities are bolstered by six advanced aircraft, providing surveillance, transport, and potential strike capabilities. Additionally, a contingent of ten state-of-the-art tanks ensures ground superiority. While modest in size, Blue Ora's military is strategically optimized for its needs, capable of defending territorial integrity and contributing to regional security.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/29/2024 11:27 am