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The Consuldom of Orientia is a nation led by Consul Ibby on the continent of Africa. The Consuldom of Orientia's government is a Parliamentary Republic with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Consuldom of Orientia favors far right wing policies. The official currency of The Consuldom of Orientia is the Orbis Note. At 58 days old, The Consuldom of Orientia is an established nation. The Consuldom of Orientia has a population of 2,675,361 and a land area of 26,750.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 100.01. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

The Orientic Pantheon consists of the various deities and saintly figures venerated by the Orientine people. It is said that the Orientine people did not originate in the Nile but rather were a group of people, mainly Seassoni and Kenti. However during a period called The Great Destruction, their homelands located in Britain became unhospitable for them to reside and they fled fleeing towards The Land of the Desert River (Egypt) after a supposed journey that Consul Ibby took when he migrated from Bengal to Britain. The peoples hybridised as one, speaking a new common language that reminisced of Seassonish and combined their churches into one Pantheon, abandoning the Olde God but retaining the sacraments, rites and tenets of the Kenti Church. The Great Destruction also rapidly militarised the nation as people now prioritised their national defences after the horrors The Great Destruction brought.

Orientia has two flags: A peace flag (with blue background) and a war flag (with red background) and will be used appropriately. This is a heads up in case you see the flag changes in our embassies :)

Orientian Senate

The number of seats is the total infrastructure in each city divided by 100, and then truncated to whole number, then their population over total population multiplied by 100 then truncated to whole number. The Orientian Senate is in charge of the national government and its policies, government agencies, national projects and running The Greater Oriental Mandates. 


Grand Senator: Roger Vendel (Patriotic Party) + Deputy Senator: Magnus Boros (Patriotic Party) as of the results of The First Senatorial Election. The Second Senatorial Election is scheduled to occur at June 20th, 2108 with terms of 5 year, no foreign interference allowed (basically no lobbying) and a proportional representation preferential voting system.

*The policies enacted in Orientia will change based on the political party (or parties if it is a coalition government) in charge so although at this moment we have far-right economic policies and authoritarian social policies, this will change if the government changes. Grand Consul Ibby will remain above the Grand Senator. 

Orientian House of Delegates

The number of seats is each city's senate seats doubled, with delegates allocation dependent on each city. They are in charge of the local governments, managing city regulations and infrastructure and city land maintenance and development


As of The First Municipal Elections, the Prime Delegate is Frost Municha (Patriotic Party) and the Deputy Delegate is Gordon Vorta (Patriotic Party). The Second Municipal Elections are set to take place at July 11, 2108 with terms of 5 years and no foreign interference (basically no lobbying).

The Greater Oriental Mandates

Orientia has a "sphere of influence" over certain territories; This is called "The Greater Oriental Mandates". 


The Mandate of Port Ahmar

The Mandate is one of three mandates established on June 20, 2103 after the election of The Patriotic Party. They've sort to expand Orientia's frontier and so The Mandate of Port Ahmar was established. Its main purpose is to help enforce Orientian control over the Calysma Canal and aid Calysma in resources. Like Erezha, conformity and conversion laws have been passed to assimilate the residents (mainly Bedouin nomads) into Orientic culture, language and religion but has a lesser military prescence than the other mandates.

The Mandate of Qouron

The Mandate of Qouron is located near Shedetos and Kairos, being established as a Mandate on 4 December, 2103. It is inhabited by Coptic-Arab tribes who follow the Coptic Church. The policy on Qouron is to assimilate the Coptic-Arab tribes into Orientic culture with the Central Government content with Qouron keeping its church as long as it adhered to Atiphraion's church, however missionaries will be allowed to convert the local Coptic-Arabs into the Orientic Pantheon

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Orientia
Leader Name: Ibby
Currency: Currency Image
Orbis Note
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Orientia had been created after the exodus of the former Empire of Aurorum, following the wake of The Great Destruction in The British Isles. A new renewal had been forged with a new culture, language, religion and way of life being created as the Aurorites adapted to living in the Nile. It had also transitioned into a Parliamentary Republic, transforming into a Consuldom after encountering the Atlanteans on their venture towards Aegyptos.
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 43,049.85 sq. km
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 2,675,361 people
Demonym: Orientine
Demonym Plural: Orientines
Ethnic Groups: Orientic - 100.0%
Languages: Orientish - 100.0%
Religions: Orienticism - 98.2%
Coptic Christianity - 1.6%
Atheism - 0.2%
Life Expectancy: 60 years
Obesity: 1%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: With the current government having a far-right outlook on the economy, most industries in Orientia had been privatised. Some industries have still been under Government control such as state housing and healthcare, but there are options for Orientines to seek private healthcare and housing. The Government had announced minimal income taxes, allowing many Orientines to have a nearly doubled income though this had caused inflation to rise dramatically. Currently, the currency still remains digital with the Orbis Note being used if payment cannot be made using cards.
Average Yearly Income: $472.54
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $3,943,989,552.00
GDP per Capita: $1,474.19
Gross National Income (GNI): $2,555,725,255.00
Industries: Orientia specialises in extracting bauxite and smelting it into aluminium; a fondness of aluminium still lingers in the nation from when they were known as Aurorum and largely powered themselves using wind turbines. This has changed as they have excavated uranium and has used its high energy potential as their main and only power source. Oil has also been discovered but it has been reserved for the use of gasoline instead for the primary purpose of fuelling the machines and vehicles of The National Defence. Although the land is poised for farming, few cities produce food, if at all, with food only coming through trade.
History: The National Defence is the successor to The Imperial Defence, the military of Aurorum. It was formed when the Aurorite people had decided to migrate to The Land of the Desert River after the horrors of The Great Destruction that befell their old homeland. The subsequent militarisation of Orientia caused The National Defence to have greater capabilities than The Imperial Defence, with the hope of dissuading and expelling potential invaders.
Soldiers: 150,000
Tanks: 12,193
Aircraft: 505
Ships: 59
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/07/2024 02:24 pm