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The Federal Republic of Topicaka Topicaka is a nation led by Supreme Leader Arjun Vegesana on the continent of North America. The Federal Republic of Topicaka Topicaka's government is a Communist Dictatorship with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Federal Republic of Topicaka Topicaka favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Federal Republic of Topicaka Topicaka is the Australian Dollar. At 58 days old, The Federal Republic of Topicaka Topicaka is an established nation. The Federal Republic of Topicaka Topicaka has a population of 4,956 and a land area of 1,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 4.96. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.


By Arjun Vegesana 

Capital :Topicaka City


Topicaka also known as Amazonia was started as a protectorate of  the U.S.A but gained full independence on September 16th 2023. Topicaka was founded by Arjun Vegesana after he had the idea for a united central american country  Topicaka.  Topicaka`s  founding countries were Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. The official languages of Topicaka are Spanish, and Amazonian. The currency of Topicaka is the Central American Curo. 



Topicaka`s  names are Topicaka, la  República federal de centroamérica unida, and Amazonia.


The name Topicaka in Amazonian means rainforest, and the name Amazonia is given by the name of the Amazonian rainforest. The name la república federal de centroamérica unida means the federal  republic of united central america in español ( Spanish).



The idea of Topicaka as an american protectorate started after the american purchase of the panama canal . 

After Topicaka ( at  the time panama) was founded as a protectorate by the United  States of America.                                                                                                               

 the Panamanian people did not like this southern Panamanian state so in response they rioted and when the americans left panama in 1999 so did the idea of an independent Topicakan state. 


In 2023 Topicakan separatists started a revolution led by Arjun Vegesana and overthrew the government.


Now with Panama in Topicakan hands the rest of Central America  join the union. Topicaka joined NATO in 2024 increasing ties in the west.


Arab revolts led to the Saudis bombing Topicaka leading to NATO activating article 5 . After the war Topicaka Gained the Coastal part of Mauritania.



Topicaka has a Socialist Government


With a 

  Head of State 

Diplomatic general

Commander of the arm forces

Prime Minister

Commander of the nuclear institution 



 Head of state Arjun Vegesana

Prime minister Tejas Nyaharkar

Commander of the armed forces Ishaan Nyaharkar

Commander of the Nuclear Institution Rhett Wallstrom

Diplomatic General Tejas Nyaharkar 


Foreign relations











Arab World 

Muslim Rebels


Administrative divisions

Topicakas Administrative Divisions are called Oblasts


We Have 9 administrative divisions they are : British Honduras ( Belize),  Quahtlemallan ( Guatemala) , Banana Republic ( Honduras),  Administrative Territory of San Salvador ( El Salvador ), British Nicaraugua ( Mosquito Coast ), Spanish Nicaragua ( Nicaragua ),  Rich Coast  ( Costa Rica ), 

Topixaka Administrative territory ( Panama ), and Topicakan Africa ( Western Mauritania).


Topicaka has a military with a National Guard , Police Force, Army, Navy, Air Force, Air National Guard, Marines, Coast Guard, and Royal Guard.



Most of Topicakas money comes from Bananas, Oil, Car Parts, Ore, and Fish. Theyre are also minor Textile, and silk Production.


Topicakas National Railroad Goes From Belmopan to Panama city . The Topicaka Railroad Goes from Topicaka city to the Darius gap. Topicakas only 2 international Airports are San Jose Int., and Rooselvelt Int. which serves as the airport of Topicaka City. The countries major ports are Belize city harbor, Mosquito Port, and Panamanian Independence harbor.



Topicaka borders Mexico, Columbia, Western Sahara, Mauritania, and Senegal.  Topicaka Main Has a Humid Temperature and Western Mauritania has a Sub Saharan climate. 



Topicaka is 90 %  Hindu, 1 % Muslim, 7 % Christain, and 3 % Other ( Native Religions ,  Atheist , Bhuddists, etc)



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