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End Totality

Achievement Showcase


End Totality is a nation led by Goddess Focalor on the continent of Asia. End Totality's government is a Theocratic Dictatorship with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, End Totality favors moderate policies. The official currency of End Totality is the Merit. At 55 days old, End Totality is an established nation. End Totality has a population of 2,120,168 and a land area of 19,124.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 110.86. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Long ago, Our Glorious Matriarch Eclipse, arrived upon our nation to bringeth peace, stability, order, and prosperity. Ever since, we've yearn to embrace her teachings; in service of our society, the common good we see eclipses all wants of souls in vanity.

With peace and order 'neath the starlit skies.
Our Goddess truest guise reside,
Celestial Jellyfish, eclipse the light,
Bringeth night to soothe our plight.

Atop the lap of luxury, we lie;
Striving tech like rising tides,
Never shackled to nature's side.
Immaterial merit of digital ties,
Our currency, a virtual, ghostly guide.

A merit of coins & loyal of contracts,
Our tradition preside, eternally on track.
Never aback, deflecting attacks,
Our triumphs hang upon our racks.

We The Endermen,
We The People,
Doth reside in Goddess' shadow,
Away from rebel's godless arrows.

Mace of Light,
Shield of Night.
Pride of Order,
Bride of Peace.

We standeth unchanged against the rising winds,
An ocean of mountains, never to cry.
Rivers of our enemies blood,
Rains from corpses high,
Impaled by Judgement's tall'st pines,
Struck blind by retribution's thunder,
Torn assunder, crushed right under,
The might of Totality's Umbral.

Those stripped of the grace of God,
Shall all meet infinite death,
And eternal servitude,
In the embrace of Focalor's Mace.

Also, check out our Holy Book on AO3:

Yes, it's me. I am The Author. Updates are infrequent because poetry is hard.

Basic Information
Nation Name: End Totality VIP
Leader Name: Focalor
Nation ID: 632034
Founded: 07/14/2024 (55 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 8 hours ago
Discord Username:kenjaku_editor
Unique ID: c14995e93d46490236ba071ef
International Relations
Alliance: Black Knights Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:41 days
Color Trade Bloc: Pirate Black
Commendations: 25
Denouncements: 1
Nation Page Visits: 1,122
Recent Visitors: VIP Only 3 nations from 3 alliances in past 24 hours
Population: 2,120,168
Infrastructure: 17,232.71
Land Area: 19,124 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 110.86 people/sq. mi
GDP: $2,961,636,688.00
GDP per Capita: $1,396.89
GNI: $1,933,727,660.00
Economic Policies: Moderate
Currency: Currency Image Merit
Government Type: Theocratic Dictatorship Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Open Markets Open Markets Icon
Social Policies: Authoritarian
State Religion: Path of Totality Path of Totality
National Animal: National Animal ImageCelestial Jellyfish
Approval Rating: 100% (149.25)
Pollution Index: 131 points
Radiation Index: 611.51 R (Global: 753.19 R)
OBL Team: Clair De Lune
Nation Rank: #3,593 of 11,991 Nations (29.96%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,707.19
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 5,782.41
Infrastructure Lost: 2,476.00
Money Looted: $108,377,671.70
Wars Won: 43
Wars Lost: 1

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

8 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
09/03 04:50 am - End Totality declared war on Karjala for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
09/03 04:48 am - End Totality declared war on Godness Ares for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
09/03 04:47 am - End Totality declared war on Icebound Kingdom for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
09/03 04:47 am - End Totality declared war on Ukraine for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
09/03 04:46 am - End Totality declared war on Monacco for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/30 07:27 am - Focalor built a new project: Iron Dome
08/27 05:43 pm - End Totality declared war on Stinga ding for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/27 05:42 pm - End Totality declared war on The State Of Israel for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/27 05:41 pm - End Totality declared war on CountryName for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/27 05:37 pm - End Totality declared war on LongPopLo for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/27 05:36 pm - End Totality declared war on United uTOPIAN PANCAKE MAKRZ for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/24 02:44 am - End Totality founded a new city, Laughing Coffin.
08/22 02:23 am - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of Cattystan led by Asima.
08/22 02:21 am - End Totality had war declared by Cattystan for the reason of "Dead men taste like chicken.".
08/19 10:26 am - End Totality founded a new city, Cemetary Wind.
08/18 12:26 pm - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of Yhanrien led by Nathanael.
08/18 10:52 am - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of Uberton led by Harold Sturmkoph I.
08/16 02:24 pm - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of Juicebox led by Yami Vi Britannia.
08/16 02:13 pm - Yami Vi Britannia of Juicebox has publicly commended the nation of End Totality.
08/16 01:23 pm - End Totality declared war on Segundo Imperio De Mierestan for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/16 01:20 pm - End Totality declared war on Exions for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/16 01:19 pm - End Totality declared war on balad alkhayr for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/16 01:18 pm - End Totality declared war on Valkland for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/16 01:11 pm - End Totality declared war on Belagerium for the reason of "Inactivity Shalt Be Punished".
08/16 05:35 am - Lord Avalos of Smart Duds has publicly commended the nation of End Totality.
08/15 08:33 pm - Grondus of New Elysius has publicly commended the nation of End Totality.
08/15 04:21 pm - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of New Elysius led by Grondus.
08/15 04:20 pm - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of Ozark led by Gregory I.
08/15 04:17 pm - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of New Arcadia led by Captain Hans.
08/13 10:14 am - End Totality has publicly commended the nation of Kryptoniath led by Krypton.
Opinion: Environmentalists Should STFU

No, Anarcho-Primitivism is not the solution to saving the environment. People who unironically support this are dumb as shit.

Smart Duds - A Scourge Upon the Realm

The Siridar-fief of Lord Avalos, both bully & blight upon our community, revealed their truest form as a coward of little worth.

Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
3 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.