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Grand Empire of Scegogewia is a nation led by Emperor Franc Louise III on the continent of Europe. Grand Empire of Scegogewia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Grand Empire of Scegogewia favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Grand Empire of Scegogewia is the Argenti. At 72 days old, Grand Empire of Scegogewia is an established nation. Grand Empire of Scegogewia has a population of 103,958 and a land area of 2,850.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 36.48. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Scegogewia
Leader Name: Franc Louise III
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Empire of Scegogewia has been introduced in 1465 AD, succeeding the United Kingdom of Scegogewia’s sociopolitical heritage. The Empire has been a major power in European politics since 15th century and considered as a major power in world since 1662.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 4,586.62 sq. km
Terrain: The Empire of Scegogewia has its realms over real world’s overall of Iberian Peninsula (all Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Andorra), Southern France (Aquitaine, Occitaine, Cote d’Azur), Northwestern Italy (Piedmonte), Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica in Europe; All of Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central Africa Republic in Africa; All of Latin American countries realms in Americas, And a vast large realms in Southeastern Asian territories
The overall size of Empire with all its overseas territories are appx. 28 millions of square kms.
Highest Peak: 6262mts, 2,560 meters
Lowest Valley: , 65 meters
Climate: Empire’s climate has varies. From continental european climate to tropical climate.
People & Society
Population: 103,958 people
Demonym: Scegogewian
Demonym Plural: Scegogewians
Ethnic Groups: Scegogewian - 62.0%
Arabs - 18.0%
Latin American Indigenious - 12.0%
Languages: Scegogewian - 92.0%
Arabic - 18.0%
French - 6.0%
Religions: Scegogewian Protestant (Petrienism) - 72.0%
Catholic - 13.0%
Islam - 11.0%
Life Expectancy: 76 years
Obesity: 22%
Alcohol Users: 87%
Tobacco Users: 71%
Cannabis Users: 16%
Hard Drug Users: 8%
Description: Economy of Empire of Scegogewia is a mix of free market economy and social welfare state where the lower income citizens benefit from large governmental support while high income entrepreneurs enjoy a competitive ecosystem.
Average Yearly Income: $56.91
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $47,273,241.00
GDP per Capita: $454.73
Gross National Income (GNI): $33,275,955.00
Industries: Major industries are foreign trade products of domestic foods such as olive, tomato, beverages, wine, livestocks, canned foods and automotive industry, oil and gas industry are also one of the leading industries of the nation.
Tourism also takes a large percentage amongst all industries.
History: The armed forces of nation was first established at the ancient times due to the legends reaching to historical 3600BCE. The modern armed forces were established in 512, after the Gothic Siege of Meuillescannes.
2,4 millions soldiers
640.000 tanks
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/11/2024 12:36 am