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The Kingdom of Greater Interespiu is a nation led by King Olivvier Julius III on the continent of Europe. The Kingdom of Greater Interespiu's government is a Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Greater Interespiu favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Greater Interespiu is the Real. At 71 days old, The Kingdom of Greater Interespiu is an established nation. The Kingdom of Greater Interespiu has a population of 263,854 and a land area of 1,755.90 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 150.27. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Beauty of the Rivers (Goraġi in tehrźani) AKA (∅la piers summazqa)
Goraġi in tehrźani
Goraġi in tehrźani
Uhterpadones, krska ĉlochka
Herrna patrioska , īmni dolovimňa.
Kalavrea, patrioska, marszch huli.
Suqkqa, kolokol, ŀybydnia zhadolkŝ

Goraġi in tehrźani
Goraġi in tehrźani
Mirzœ kolisŷ, klaonva dolokrya. Interespiu.
Bolodmyr, zhalkkyrk trolykya kinska aprrendummż
Kol'ik Ķristos ei vbgi.
Ĵalzavab łabysnka.
Mirzœ kolisŷ, klaonva dolokrya. Interespiu.


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Interespiu
Leader Name: Olivvier Julius III
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Ancient Era (1000 BC - 500 AD):

Interespiu's land was originally settled by Germanic and Slavic voyagers around 1000 BC. These early settlers developed a complex social structure with hereditary chiefs and a strong warrior class. Interespians thrived on fishing and trade with neighboring islands, becoming known for its skilled seafarers and carvers of intricate bone tools.

Around 100 AD, an earthquake on the Volrdermerte caused a massive tsunami that devastated Interespiu's river farms. This disaster led to a period of societal upheaval and internal conflict. However, the Interespians emerged stronger, developing advanced masonry techniques to rebuild trade routes and establish themselves as a dominant power in the region.

Medieval Era (500 AD - 1400 AD):

During this period, Interespiu entered a golden age. Trade flourished, with the Interespians becoming known for their beautiful iralskuy cloth, crafted from mulberry bark. They also developed a unique writing system using pictograms called "Zhalrymin" to record their stories and history.

Around 1100 AD, a charismatic leader named Eraniaka egn Versdu united the various Interespian chiefdoms under a single monarchy. King Era ushered in an era of peace and prosperity, focusing on public works projects, codifying laws, and promoting artistic expression.

However, this golden age wasn't to last. By the 14th century, a series of droughts and crop failures led to social unrest. This period also saw the rise of a powerful militaristic cult called the "Sons of Kladysavan zhadova" who worshipped a fire goddess and advocated for violent conquest.

Colonial Era (1400 AD - 1800 AD):

In 1421, Holy Roman explorers arrived on Interespiu's land. Initially, the Interespians were wary of these outsiders. However, the Sons of Kladysavan zhadova saw the Europeans as potential allies and offered them military support in exchange for weapons and technology.

This alliance proved disastrous. The Europeans, armed with superior weaponry, aided the Sons of Kladysavan zhadova in conquering most of Interespiu. The Zhalyrmin writing system was banned, replaced by the European alphabet. The traditional social order was disrupted, with the Europeans establishing a labourly government that exploited Interespiu's resources and labor force.

Revolution and Independence (1800 AD - 1900 AD):

For centuries, the Interespians simmered with resentment under labourly rule. In the late 18th century, a charismatic leader named Queen Bahrini emerged, rallying the people with promises of freedom and a return to their cultural heritage.

In 1789, a series of coordinated uprisings erupted across Interespiu. The Interespians, using guerilla tactics and their knowledge of the terrain, slowly chipped away at European forces. After a bloody but successful revolution and a successful coup d'etat, Interespiu declared independence in 1887.

Modern Era (1900 AD - Present):

The newly independent Interespiu faced numerous challenges. The country struggled to modernize its infrastructure and economy while rebuilding its cultural identity. In the 20th century, Interespiu navigated the political currents of the Cold War, avoiding entanglement while establishing itself as a leader in regional diplomacy.

Today, Interespiu is a thriving monarchy with a strong cultural identity. Tourism and fishing remain important parts of the economy, but Interespiu has also developed a knowledge-based economy, with a focus on renewable energy and marine research. The country is a vocal advocate for environmental protection and cultural preservation on the world stage.

artifacts are very much supported in many museums.

Lady of Carae: an artifact found near the city of Carae, similar to the Iberian ladies in spain.
Godozha figures: Godozha figures are figures made from 1500-890 BC by the Gordovian peoples in Prodno Voivodeship.
Miezzioni pieces: pieces found near the commune of Miezzioni, a fragment of the Dogordra Poem written from 1900 BC in hieroglyphic-like text.
Hubristi Water: This edible water was found in an ancient baths in Fraknye Voivodeship, inside the Gora i Terra River, dates back to 676 AD.
K'alvey u Uirshtina: a ruin found near Pologr'a i Grashchina, a city in Raskzhe Voivodeship, depicts many Germanic and Slavic influences, with frescoes of saints and Jesus. Dates back to 479 AD.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 2,825.84 sq. km
Terrain: Rivers are very long in Interespiu, the longest river is the Volrdemerte, stretching from the Black Forest to the Koltriack Basin, reaching 2,102,431.85 m or 2,102.43 km.

Tall mountains are common in Interespiu, the tallest mountains are associated with culture in religion, Uhterpadones was associated as the mountain or temple of the gods Haena and Tyrinqa in Interespian mythology, other than that, the tallest mountains are set in the longest mountain ranges, Uhterpadones and Volka i Danubi are both located in the Gresfeldschlensdi i Schlaskya mountain range, while Nena i Ecanezh is situated in the Trismetrels Range.

Deserts are rare in these kinds of terrain, the only deserts in the country are a part of the Pustynia Błędowska and the Šemlastska Desertskou.

Farmlands and plains are common in the Gradzhe Voivodeship, many mountain towns in this voivodeship are common also, but in the Raskzhe Voivodeship is rare to see any of them.

Valleys are no stranger to Interespiu, many valleys are common in the Fraknye and Prodno Voivodeships, the largest valley is the Gerasky Imsha Fraskna Valley in Prodno Voivodeship.

Highest Peak: Mt. Uhterpadones, 1,900 meters
Lowest Valley: Koltriack Valley, -108 meters
Climate: Snowy Climates are very common in many cities, and the nearest city outside of Interespiu, Krakow, is Slavic city in Poland, and, such as other eastern Slavic countries, it is very snowy.

Summer is very cool, as snow can still be seen through out the city of Athesetia. (as it is on the summit of Mt. Ertna t'Heki)

Rainy days are common in May, November, and August, just like how Hurricane Herrera wiped out 70% of the city of Človicci back in May of 2013.

Koltriack Valley and Nena i Ecanezh are no stranger to landslides, as many landslides across them are twice a year.

People & Society
Population: 263,854 people
Demonym: Interespiana, Interespiano, Derians, Pe
Demonym Plural: Pirialian.
Ethnic Groups: Slavic - 88.8%
Uralic - 68.1%
Germanic - 56.7%
Languages: Interespian - 98.7%
English - 83.7%
Filipino - 56.3%
Religions: Central Orthodoxy - 91.5%
Catholic - 67.4%
Ba'hai Faith - 66.6%
Life Expectancy: 169 years
Obesity: 4.4%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: it is a Capitalist economy in which it has 341,607.95 according to Wikipedia.
Average Yearly Income: $71.42
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $88,144,128.00
GDP per Capita: $334.06
Gross National Income (GNI): $57,456,840.00
Industries: Major industries include Tourism, Healthcare, Religious Faith, and Traditional Manufacturies.
History: The armed forces were established in 1887 when a coup d'etat in Germany caused Interespiu to gain independence day for a major ethniticy of Slavic.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/13/2024 05:33 am