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The Planetary Republic of Retrestastria is a nation led by Director Shiro on the continent of Europe. The Planetary Republic of Retrestastria's government is a Democratic Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Planetary Republic of Retrestastria favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Planetary Republic of Retrestastria is the Gold Standard. At 69 days old, The Planetary Republic of Retrestastria is an established nation. The Planetary Republic of Retrestastria has a population of 720,885 and a land area of 8,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 90.11. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

A Recently United Planet Under The One And Only Foxx Government and has The Goal of Economic Prosperity and Unity For It's people


We have a Diplomatic Approach and only defend ourselves when needed

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Retrestastria
Leader Name: Shiro
Currency: Currency Image
Gold Standard
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Retrestastria was formed in December,24,2101 after a World War on planet Trest that lasted centuries. The war was caused by different Ideologies from 3 Alliances called Galland(democracy) , Rexis(communism), and The Kingship(monachy). Which Galland won at the cost of everything including the destruction of most of Trest. After the war the remaining nation merged into Retrestastria meaning New World of Trest with the goal of bringing back peace and prosperity to it's people.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 12,874.72 sq. km
Terrain: Trest has a mostly balanced terrain from grassy plains to savannahs, deserts to tundras, forest to jungles, Mountain Ranges to Valleys, and contintents to archipelagos. Trest has them all.
Trest has Six Continents called Jaffey, Harwei, Klober, Plaetou, New Gall, and Beruit
Trest has 3 Oceans called Denyo Ocean, Hydoe Ocean, and Salle Sea.
Highest Peak: Mt.Fenris, 11,083 meters
Lowest Valley: Ventura Valley, 690 meters
Climate: Trest has uniform climates that is colder on the poles, temperate at the middle, and hot at the equator.
The North Hemisphere of Trest is more Humid than the South Hemisphere
People & Society
Population: 720,885 people
Demonym: Trestrian
Demonym Plural: Trestriani
Ethnic Groups: Kitsune - 67.9%
Onni - 19.1%
Ningen - 13.0%
Languages: Jippon - 51.3%
Yamir - 33.6%
Ferrisian - 13.1%
Religions: Foxism - 98.3%
Galeism - 0.9%
Occult - 0.8%
Life Expectancy: 72 years
Obesity: 11.3%
Alcohol Users: 23.7%
Tobacco Users: 26.9%
Cannabis Users: 2.3%
Hard Drug Users: 0.8%
Description: Retrestastria has an capitalist economy with a free market policy in hopes to revitalize its devestated economy.
Average Yearly Income: $77.40
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $902,107,987.00
GDP per Capita: $1,251.39
Gross National Income (GNI): $663,041,845.00
Industries: Major Industies Include Agriculture, Mining, and Transportation
History: Though United under a World Government. Many of The nations refuse to make a global force, and in talks to have them
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/11/2024 10:32 am