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The Imperial Remnant is a nation led by Grand Moff Pellaeon on the continent of Australia. The Imperial Remnant's government is a Stratocracy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Imperial Remnant favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Imperial Remnant is the Imperial Credit. At 71 days old, The Imperial Remnant is an established nation. The Imperial Remnant has a population of 448,878 and a land area of 4,800.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 93.52. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


If you are here to seek out an easy target to raid, you are advised to look elsewhere. 
You will find that the Imperial Fleet and Army are more than ready to eliminate any terroristic elements that you could field.
Surrender, or stay hidden. For if you make yourself an enemy of the Imperial Remnant, you will not live to regret it. 





Peacetime Flag of the Imperial Remnant:


Wartime Flag of the Imperial Remnant:




Do you want peace for Orbis? 
Do you value order over chaos?
Do you think Rebels are stinky? 

If your answer to any of the above questions was 'yes', you are urged to contact the Bureau of the Exterior to discuss the opening of International Relations between the Imperial Remnant and your esteemed nation. 
These relations fall outside of the purview of Alliances. Members of any alliance are welcome to establish mutual consulates with the Imperial Remnant. 

Consulates are simply a commitment to peace and cooperation. 




The Imperial Remnant is a Military State, ruled by Democratically Elected Civilian Governors (the Senate) overseen by a Ruling Council made up of military commanders who hold the title of Moff. 
The Ruling Council of Moffs, headed by the Grand Moff, holds the ultimate authority to bypass any  democratic processes. However, this authority is only ever used when decisions made by Civilian Governors interfere with the security of the Imperial Remnant's territories. 
For the most part, elected Governors execute their mandates without interference from the Ruling Council. 1a6d376d9809a719d8aa687a3d8b8e7824b23445x111.jpg

The organs of Government are overseen by Moffs elected by the Ruling Council and the functions of these organs are carried out by Civilian Governors, Diplomats and Dignitaries. 
These organs are known as Bureaus. 

The Bureaus of the Imperial Government are: 
- The Bureau of the Interior -> Moff Vox Winton (GIA) 
- The Bureau of the Exterior -> Moff Pyren Kass (AIN) 
- The Bureau of Education -> Moff Aim Yelmott (VAIN) 
- The Bureau of Health -> Moff Tedros Breghe (LCIA)
- The Bureau of Trade -> Moff Yaja Ganab (GIA) 
- The Bureau of Defence -> Grand Moff Gilad Pellaeon (GAIN) 
- The Bureau of Judicial Affairs -> Moff Lihray Chlorres (CIA) 

These Bureaus all oversee smaller Departments staffed and headed by members of the Civilian Government.



View Nation Factbook | View Nation

National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Remnant
Leader Name: Pellaeon
Currency: Currency Image
Imperial Credit
National Animal: National Animal Image
Continent: Australia
Land Area: 7,724.83 sq. km
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 448,878 people
Demonym: Imperial
Demonym Plural: Imperials
Ethnic Groups: Human - 100.0%
Languages: Galactic Basic - 100.0%
Religions: - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 110 years
Obesity: 21.4%
Alcohol Users: 83.8%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 11.7%
Description: The Imperial Remnant implements a Command economy under the oversight of the Ruling Council, the Bureau of Trade and the Bureau of the Interior.

Legal and Legislative precedents within the territories of the Remnant show a clear favour for the establishment and maintenance of an economy that serves the citizenry of the Remnant.
Thus, strict laws have been implemented to this effect, such as the nationalisation of key services and the legislation of trade to prevent the formation of private monopolies.
In addition, longstanding institutions that served to empower minority interest groups at the expense of the freedoms and liberties of others, such as the institution of slavery, have been strictly outlawed and a liveable minimum wage has been established across all of the Remnant's territories.
Average Yearly Income: $49.69
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $340,349,988.00
GDP per Capita: $758.22
Gross National Income (GNI): $238,131,475.00
Industries: Given the need to implement a broadly isolationist foreign policy, the Remnant has had to ensure an internal self-sustainability to avoid reliance on external and unreliable forces.

However, in light of the recent peace between the Remnant and the New Republic, trade agreements for the export of Bacta and Tibanna Gas have been established to bolster our economy and grow our industries.
This trade is strictly regulated and controlled to ensure that the security of the Remnant is not threatened and that the citizens are not unduly influenced by the import of Republic ideologies.

Thus, the Remnant has been insistent that it controls the flow of these traded goods in and out of its territories through the establishment of the Courier Department within the Bureau of Trade which contracts its own fleet of merchant vessels to carry traded goods into and out of Remnant territories along the highly militarised and monitored Trade Corridor.
History: The Imperial Military is organised into two branches:
- The Imperial Army, under the command of Grand General Maximillian Veers
- The Imperial Navy, under the command of Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon

The branches of the Imperial Military are controlled by the Bureau of Defence under, whose head (Grand Moff Gilad Pallaeon (GAIN)) holds the ultimate authority over all matters pertaining to military activities of the Navy and Army.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 25
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/14/2024 05:23 pm