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Sociyalista Imperiya Runyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy is a nation led by Imperator Daviy Adenychelevlov on the continent of Europe. Sociyalista Imperiya Runyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy's government is a Communist Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Sociyalista Imperiya Runyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Sociyalista Imperiya Runyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy is the Segovinhos. At 77 days old, Sociyalista Imperiya Runyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy is an established nation. Sociyalista Imperiya Runyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy has a population of 849,824 and a land area of 10,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 80.94. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Runyo-Ukrayzyan Socialist Empire (Сокьйялижта Имперйя Руниский-Украисйянский) is a country located near old Saint Petersburg.


With the fall of the Soviet Union, there was the separation of all countries from the Union. Furthermore, there was the independence of Runiya and Ukrayzo, with the leadership of Daviy Adenychelevlov (Давий Аденищелевлов) and Marcelo Rogeriymarlyvlev (Маркьело Рогериймарливлев), who decided to keep socialists. With high public approval, the countries joined together and formed an Empire, annexing more parts of Russia and bordering Estonia.

In the Empire, we have our own language: Runiyo. This is a language based on Russian, Portuguese and German, whose alphabet is: Я(ya) А(a) Б(b) В(v) Г(g) Д(d) Э(ye) Е(e) Ж(j) Й(yi) И(i) К(k) Л(l) М(m) Н(n) Ю(yo) О(o) П(p) Р(r) С(s) Т(t) ЫУ(yu) У(u) Ф(f) Х(h) Ц(ts) Щ(sch) Ш(tch)


The main ethnic groups in the country are Runyo-Ukrayzyans (white) , Russians (white), Iacutos (white) and Runyo-Ukrayzyans-Africans (brown).


Runyo-Ukrayzyan culture is based on militarism, natural human instincts and female sexuality, since brown women are considered superior (origin of Allanism). Clothes are not so much a part of the country's culture, since you are allowed (and encouraged) to only wear underwear publicly.


The country's flag has some meanings: 

Blue: sky and sea. Represents the runyan part.

 Black: wars and battles fought across the country. Represents the Ukrayzyan part.

Red: spilled blood and socialism.

White: snow


The state religion practiced by the entire population is Allanism. It has its origins in the 21st century, based on the goddess Allana, symbol of beauty, sexuality, freedom and revolution. She became a socialist symbol of the country. Thanks to her, things like green eyes and piercings are considered beauty standards.


In the event of a war, the Empire is declared an ally of the east, like Russia and China. Of the country's 30 million people, 2 million are soldiers, including women willing to fight. 

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)08/20/2024 12:18 am Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyUnderwoodRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$377,446.
2)08/12/2024 12:22 am Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$865,488.
3)08/09/2024 11:23 pm Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyThe Aprelian EmpireRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$480,513.
4)08/01/2024 08:13 am Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyAshezion empireRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$128,437.001,
5)07/31/2024 10:44 pm Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyCanaSiffleAidsRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$49,000.001,444.
6)07/31/2024 10:51 am Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyRemnantRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$49,000.001,767.
7)07/22/2024 11:54 pm Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyLand of MordorRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$117,870.003,675.
8)07/22/2024 04:11 am Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyOspreyRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$49,000.004,418.
9)07/21/2024 04:57 pm Runyskiy-UkrayziyanskiyUnited Sates of AmericaRunyskiy-Ukrayziyanskiy$61,162.003,576.

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