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Peoples Rebublic of Baghera

Peoples Rebublic of Baghera is a nation led by Leader Aucaman Vaso on the continent of Europe. Peoples Rebublic of Baghera's government is a People's Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Peoples Rebublic of Baghera favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Peoples Rebublic of Baghera is the Euro. At 66 days old, Peoples Rebublic of Baghera is an established nation. Peoples Rebublic of Baghera has a population of 257,914 and a land area of 2,350.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 109.75. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The nation of Baghera, a land of diverse cultures and rich natural resources, once fell under the iron-fisted rule of a dictator named Julio Britney. His rise to power was marked by cunning political maneuvering and ruthless elimination of opposition. Initially presenting himself as a champion of national unity and progress, Britney's true nature soon became evident. He established a regime characterized by severe repression, widespread corruption, and the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few loyalists.

Under Britney's rule, dissent was brutally crushed, the press was muzzled, and personal freedoms were severely restricted. His government employed an extensive network of secret police to instill fear among the populace. Public executions and arbitrary imprisonments became common as Britney sought to silence any opposition to his rule.

Seeds of Rebellion

Despite the oppressive environment, pockets of resistance began to form. Intellectuals, students, workers, and rural communities started to organize in secret, driven by a shared desire for freedom and justice. These disparate groups gradually coalesced into a more unified resistance movement, leveraging underground networks to disseminate information and rally support.

The tipping point came when a series of economic crises, exacerbated by Britney's mismanagement and lavish spending on personal luxuries, led to widespread poverty and hunger. The suffering of the people became unbearable, and the cry for change grew louder. The resistance, now more organized and emboldened, began to stage protests and strikes, demanding an end to Britney's tyrannical rule.

The Outbreak of Civil War

The situation reached a boiling point when a peaceful protest in the capital city of Baghera was met with violent repression by Britney's security forces. The massacre of innocent civilians ignited a nationwide outrage, and the resistance leaders called for an armed uprising. Thus began the civil war between the nationalists, who supported Julio Britney, and the rebels seeking to overthrow his regime.

The war was brutal and protracted, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. The nationalists, backed by the resources of the state, initially had the upper hand. However, the rebels, fueled by their determination and widespread public support, gradually gained ground. International attention and support also began to flow to the rebels, with foreign powers condemning Britney's regime and providing aid to the resistance fighters.

The Establishment of the People's Republic of Baghera

After years of intense fighting, the tide of the war turned decisively in favor of the rebels. Key nationalist strongholds fell one by one, and finally, the capital was captured. Julio Britney was overthrown and subsequently fled the country, his exact whereabouts remaining unknown.

With the fall of the dictatorship, the leaders of the resistance convened a national assembly to chart the future of Baghera. They pledged to establish a democratic government that would uphold the rights and freedoms of all citizens. After months of deliberation and the drafting of a new constitution, the People's Republic of Baghera was officially declared.

The new government faced the monumental task of rebuilding a nation scarred by war and years of authoritarian rule. They implemented sweeping reforms to dismantle the remnants of Britney's regime, restore civil liberties, and promote economic recovery. Emphasis was placed on education, healthcare, and infrastructure development to improve the quality of life for all Bagherans.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Peoples Rebublic of Baghera
Leader Name: Aucaman Vaso
Nation ID: 629802
Founded: 07/03/2024 (66 Days Old)
Last Activity: Last active on 07/12/2024
Discord Username:_voileipa#
Unique ID: 6076563ba27594ba5e4194776
International Relations
Alliance: Eclipse Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:58 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Gray Inactive Group
Commendations: 2
Denouncements: 0
Nation Page Visits: 191
Population: 257,914
Infrastructure: 2,375.00
Land Area: 2,350 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 109.75 people/sq. mi
GDP: $101,478,260.00
GDP per Capita: $393.46
GNI: $23,582,650.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Euro
Government Type: People's Republic Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Christian orthodox Christian orthodox
National Animal: National Animal ImageGolden eagle
Approval Rating: 0% (-160.22)
Pollution Index: 40 points
Radiation Index: 612.35 R (Global: 760.58 R)
OBL Team: Baseball team
Nation Rank: #6,984 of 11,834 Nations (59.02%)
Nation Score: More Information 231.15
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 25.91
Infrastructure Lost: 0.00
Money Looted: $3,560,296.30
Wars Won: 1
Wars Lost: 0

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

2 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
07/12 08:03 pm - protong removed Aucaman Vaso from the alliance and set them as an applicant. They previously had the position: Astronaut.
07/11 01:33 pm - Peoples Rebublic of Baghera declared war on Vasedr for the reason of "Nice nation ".
07/08 07:40 pm - Vakir Yensid of Kawarys has publicly commended the nation of Peoples Rebublic of Baghera.
07/05 02:37 pm - Peoples Rebublic of Baghera founded a new city, Pikkafe.
07/05 01:27 pm - Baghera has changed its nation name to Peoples Rebublic of Baghera.
07/05 01:27 pm - Baghera changed leaders. Aucaman Vaso is the new leader, replacing the former leader, Julio Britney.
07/04 06:29 am - Julio Britney built a new project: Activity Center
07/03 10:52 pm - Hoffy of Exeter has publicly commended the nation of Baghera.
07/03 06:46 pm - Baghera declared war on Kingdom of Prague for the reason of "All your money belong to us".
07/03 06:21 pm - protong changed the alliance position of Julio Britney from applicant to Astronaut.
07/03 06:19 pm - Baghera changed their Color Trade Bloc from Beige to Brown.
07/03 05:08 pm - Baghera applied to join the alliance Eclipse.
07/03 03:43 pm - Baghera was created!
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
1 National Project
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.