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Federal Union Of The Republics Of Suisen is a nation led by Elected Leader Ngun Kawl on the continent of Europe. Federal Union Of The Republics Of Suisen's government is a Federal Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, Federal Union Of The Republics Of Suisen favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Federal Union Of The Republics Of Suisen is the Euro. At 11 days old, Federal Union Of The Republics Of Suisen is a new nation. Federal Union Of The Republics Of Suisen has a population of 1,055,931 and a land area of 11,250.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 93.86. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 82.3431%.

The Federal Union of the Republics of Suisen, formerly known as the Solis Imperium of Lairam, has undergone a historic transformation under the leadership of Ngun Kawl. Dissatisfaction with the previous monarchist regime led to a successful coup, after which Ngun Kawl established a federal republic. The new government emphasizes democracy, regional autonomy, and increased political participation.  With a new name and flag, each of the four republics—Zalah, Yenthan, Pithar, and Narang—now enjoys substantial self-governance.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)07/03/2024 04:28 am Bunker Tec BankSuisenNorlandia$0.00994.
2)07/02/2024 06:58 am Bunker Tec BankSuisenNorlandia$0.002,852.790.
3)06/30/2024 05:11 pm Great Bavarian EmpireSuisenGreat Bavarian Empire$2,947,123.000.0017.000.000.00118.00131.000.0048.0011.00144.0042.00
4)06/30/2024 05:10 pm KonitopiaSuisenKonitopia$357,373.000.000.001,
5)06/30/2024 04:47 pm SheltonSuisenShelton$4,371,742.000.0052.006.0024.003.0047.000.0012.001.0050.0037.00
6)06/30/2024 04:43 pm LANGKASUKASuisenLANGKASUKA$1,938,
7)06/29/2024 04:43 pm Bunker Tec BankSuisenNorlandia$0.002,271.1530.
8)06/28/2024 07:26 am EthariaSuisenEtharia$8,592,115.0098.0016.0067.00160.0011.0062.0018.00112.00124.0068.0091.00
9)06/28/2024 07:26 am Francie OccidentaleSuisenFrancie Occidentale$3,743,651.000.000.0016.0011.004.0015.006.00107.00235.0085.0054.00
10)06/28/2024 07:26 am HindustanSuisenHindustan$2,753,
11)06/28/2024 07:26 am Valachian democratic stateSuisenValachian democratic state$236,015.000.00274.000.000.00289.00301.
12)06/27/2024 02:43 am YaluqiSuisenYaluqi$2,395,680.
13)06/26/2024 07:35 am Bunker Tec BankSuisenNorlandia$3,774,543.
14)06/26/2024 07:25 am Bunker Tec BankSuisenNorlandia$5,000,
15)06/26/2024 07:12 am Bunker Tec BankSuisenNorlandia$5,000,

Showing 0-15 of 15 Records