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Republic of Krakozhia

The Socialist Republic of Krakozhia is a nation led by President Krako Drakonovich on the continent of Europe. The Socialist Republic of Krakozhia's government is a Socialist Dictatorship with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Socialist Republic of Krakozhia favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Socialist Republic of Krakozhia is the Krakozhian zloty. At 87 days old, The Socialist Republic of Krakozhia is an established nation. The Socialist Republic of Krakozhia has a population of 2,787,768 and a land area of 27,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 101.37. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Krakozhia is a Socialist Republic dictatorship.


National Policies of Krakozhia


 Every man, upon reaching adulthood, must serve in the military for at least 7 years.

Cannabis can only be used for medical reasons, with permission from the government.

The Government does not guarantee the freedom of speech and of the press.

The government follows a specific religion but citizens are allowed to follow their own.

Any and all forms of assisted suicide are illegal in this country.

The government will accept some immigrants, but sets hard quotas on how many can enter the country. 

Death penalty is legal in this country.

Citizens are not allowed to own or possess any and all weapons.

The government does not pay for any healthcare, but allows insurance companies.

Any person in poverty willing to do community service is eligible for government welfare programs.

The Republic strongly supports Oil and Coal as the nation’s top energy Source. 

Pollution is not an issue.

The government will offer some special loans with discounted interest rates.

Marriage in this Republic is defined as only between a man and a woman.

Marriage can be between two or more people. Polygamy Marriage is legal.

Employers are allowed to fire workers attempting to organize unions.

Abortion is never legal, regardless of the circumstances, all unborn babies have the right to life.

 Official Date of Founded (February 06/21/2024)

View Bank Activity | View Nation

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)08/30/2024 03:23 pm Blackwater BankRepublic of KrakozhiaNew Ainu Republic$
2)08/30/2024 03:23 pm New Ainu RepublicRepublic of KrakozhiaNew Ainu Republic$401,848.003,739.002.0054.008.0010.0029.001.00510.00475.00126.007.00
3)08/27/2024 07:38 pm Antarctica Alliance BankRepublic of KrakozhiaPlumbago$3,000,,000.001,000.00500.00500.00
4)08/15/2024 06:27 am Anti Cringe Task Force BankRepublic of KrakozhiaSoviet Anti Furry Empire$4,362.
5)08/15/2024 06:27 am Soviet Anti Furry EmpireRepublic of KrakozhiaSoviet Anti Furry Empire$110,485.

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