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Imperial Rome

Achievement Showcase


Imperial Rome is a nation led by Emperor Caligula Augustus on the continent of Africa. Imperial Rome's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Imperial Rome favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Imperial Rome is the Denarius. At 14 days old, Imperial Rome is a young nation. Imperial Rome has a population of 705,562 and a land area of 8,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 88.20. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

28 March 37 AD: Caligula accepts the title of Principate and enters Rome as crowds hail him as "our baby" and "our star" after the Roman Senate named him emperor days earlier on March 18.  

The next day, 29 March, the Senate confers on him the “right and power to decide on all affairs.”

All Roman soldiers were paid double their annual salary in one day, and each Roman citizen received $1,000. Heads of households were given twice that amount.

Caligula took up a first consulship, on 1 July, after three months of festivals and celebrations and two months after succession. He refused the title pater patriae ("Father of the Fatherland") on the grounds of his youth, until 21 September 37.


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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)07/03/2024 06:22 am Cult of Canyon BankImperial RomeThe Cravathian Empire$692,334.000.00800.
2)07/03/2024 06:22 am The Cravathian EmpireImperial RomeThe Cravathian Empire$63,655.000.000.0069.00266.000.00498.000.00313.0012.0012.0012.00
3)07/03/2024 06:06 am LinguistiaImperial RomeLinguistia$17,816,017.003,904.0090.00129.00137.0048.00203.0019.00494.00381.00445.00450.00
4)07/03/2024 06:02 am New AllaineImperial RomeNew Allaine$10,481,406.000.00244.0047.00140.000.0092.0061.00159.00179.00137.00166.00
5)07/02/2024 12:12 am Sierra Leone 2Imperial RomeSierra Leone 2$2,684,041.000.0054.000.000.0088.00132.000.0054.00130.0052.000.00
6)07/01/2024 06:01 pm The Skibidi Alliance BankImperial RomeJesus is the wheel$9,704.
7)07/01/2024 06:01 pm Jesus is the wheelImperial RomeJesus is the wheel$56,242.000.00103.000.00117.000.00130.
8)07/01/2024 07:32 am Republic of The FalklandsImperial RomeRepublic of The Falklands$82,432.
9)07/01/2024 07:19 am Raccoon Asylum BankImperial RomeHavengen$
10)07/01/2024 07:19 am HavengenImperial RomeHavengen$1,322,642.00988.00366.
11)07/01/2024 02:02 am The Eclipse Union BankImperial Romejkkgron2$279,416.
12)07/01/2024 02:02 am jkkgron2Imperial Romejkkgron2$1,422,
13)06/30/2024 12:11 am Malvolent ShrineImperial RomeMalvolent Shrine$3,465,389.000.000.001,
14)06/29/2024 06:01 pm Wizarding WorldImperial RomeWizarding World$,
15)06/29/2024 07:16 am Space Legion BankImperial RomeThe greatest$

Showing 0-15 of 43 Records