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Marie Byrd Land

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The Federal Republic of Marie Byrd Land is a nation led by President Alexei Artyevich on the continent of Antarctica. The Federal Republic of Marie Byrd Land's government is a Federal Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Federal Republic of Marie Byrd Land favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Federal Republic of Marie Byrd Land is the Antarctic Rubles. At 18 days old, The Federal Republic of Marie Byrd Land is a young nation. The Federal Republic of Marie Byrd Land has a population of 588,895 and a land area of 4,250.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 138.56. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 30.4115%.



In the cold, in the darkness, in a world suffering from its own destruction, people came to the cold land seeking refuge, isolation, a new life, and thus the three cities of Pine Island Bay, Cape Dart, and Thurston were formed. These three cities suffered immensely from the constant cold, the constant day, the constant night, 6 months of pure sun and 6 months of pure night which drove anybody insane. But from this, they endured, and thus they united to form the Federal Republic of Marie Byrd Land, the Republic to endure, to unite in the cold and gain strength through the snow.

Motto: "Unity in the cold, strength in the snow."

Official Name: Федератива Республик диз Мари Берд Ленд

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Marie Byrd Land
Leader Name: Alexei Artyevich
Currency: Currency Image
Antarctic Rubles
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The people of Marie Byrd Land united out of the cold. The freezing Antarctic cold was no match for a united country and thus oil was drilled out and coal and uranium mined away as the country grew rich off the riches underneath the ice.
Continent: Antarctica
Land Area: 6,839.70 sq. km
Terrain: Marie Byrd Land, a remote and largely unexplored region in West Antarctica, encompasses an area of approximately 1.6 million square kilometers. Its terrain is predominantly covered in ice and features a mix of glaciated mountains, extensive ice shelves, and broad coastal plains. Among its most notable geographical features are several mountain ranges and isolated volcanic peaks. The Ford Ranges, a significant mountain system within Marie Byrd Land, include sub-ranges such as the Chester Mountains and the Phillips Mountains, with Mount Perkins being the highest peak at 2,930 meters. The Flood Range, known for its volcanic origins, is home to Mount Berlin, an active volcano that exhibits fumarolic activity and geothermal heat. Another prominent volcanic range is the Executive Committee Range, which includes Mount Sidley, the tallest volcano in Antarctica, standing at approximately 4,285 meters. In addition to these mountains, the terrain features extensive ice shelves, such as the Getz Ice Shelf along the coast, which plays a crucial role in the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by buttressing the inland ice. Glaciers such as the Pine Island Glacier and Thwaites Glacier, often referred to as the "Doomsday Glacier," drain into the Amundsen Sea and are significant for their rapid thinning and potential contribution to sea-level rise. The coastal plains of Marie Byrd Land, though largely covered by ice, include ice-free areas known as "nunataks," which are peaks of rock protruding through the ice. These areas offer rare glimpses into the geology of the continent. The inland ice sheet, covering much of Marie Byrd Land, varies in thickness but can reach up to several kilometers deep, contributing to the overall elevation of the region. Despite the harsh and frigid conditions, some scientific research stations have been established, such as the former Byrd Station, to study the unique climatic and geological conditions. The region's remoteness and severe weather, including katabatic winds that can reach hurricane force, make exploration and research challenging. Nonetheless, Marie Byrd Land's largely untouched landscape provides invaluable insights into Earth's climatic history and the dynamics of ice sheets. Understanding this area's terrain is crucial for predicting future changes in global sea levels and the impact of climate change on polar regions.
Highest Peak: Thurston Island, 1 meters
Lowest Valley: Abbot Ice Front, 0 meters
Climate: Marie Byrd Land, situated in West Antarctica, endures one of the harshest climates on Earth, characterized by extremely cold temperatures, persistent winds, and minimal precipitation. Throughout the year, temperatures remain frigid, with notable variations based on season and elevation. During the austral summer, from December to February, coastal areas may experience temperatures around -10°C (14°F), although they typically remain well below freezing. In contrast, the interior regions and higher elevations, including the glaciated mountains and plateaus, are much colder, with summer temperatures seldom rising above -20°C (-4°F). Winter temperatures, from March to November, plunge even further, often ranging from -30°C (-22°F) to -50°C (-58°F), with the coldest recorded temperatures dropping to -60°C (-76°F) or lower in some interior locations. Wind conditions in Marie Byrd Land are severe, with katabatic winds, which are gravity-driven and flow from the high interior of the continent down towards the coast, frequently reaching hurricane force. These winds contribute to the extreme wind chill, making the already low temperatures feel even colder and creating challenging conditions for both human activities and scientific research. Precipitation in Marie Byrd Land is extremely low, classifying it as a polar desert. Most precipitation falls as snow, but the total annual accumulation is minimal, often less than 200 millimeters (7.9 inches) of water equivalent, especially in the interior regions. Coastal areas may receive slightly more snowfall, but it is still relatively sparse. The low precipitation and constant winds lead to substantial snow redistribution, forming sastrugi, which are sharp, irregular grooves and ridges in the snow surface. Despite the low snowfall, the persistent cold ensures that the snow and ice that do accumulate remain year-round, contributing to the region's extensive ice cover. The severe climate of Marie Byrd Land, with its extreme cold, powerful winds, and sparse precipitation, poses significant challenges to scientific research and exploration. Nonetheless, understanding its climate is crucial for studying global weather patterns, climate change, and the dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheets.
People & Society
Population: 588,895 people
Demonym: Byrdian
Demonym Plural: Byrdian
Ethnic Groups: Russian - 47.0%
Chinese - 31.0%
American - 21.0%
Languages: Russian - 81.0%
English - 73.0%
Mandarin Chinese - 31.0%
Religions: Orthodoxy - 46.0%
Protestantism - 39.0%
Athiesm - 15.0%
Life Expectancy: 53 years
Obesity: 2%
Alcohol Users: 78%
Tobacco Users: 31%
Cannabis Users: 6%
Hard Drug Users: 1%
Average Yearly Income: $80.19
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $996,187,337.00
GDP per Capita: $1,691.62
Gross National Income (GNI): $825,636,935.00
Soldiers: 7,614
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 2
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/27/2024 04:56 pm