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The Kingdom of Tswagi is a nation led by King Steiner on the continent of Asia. The Kingdom of Tswagi's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Tswagi favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Tswagi is the Krona. At 106 days old, The Kingdom of Tswagi is a mature nation. The Kingdom of Tswagi has a population of 406,985 and a land area of 4,350.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 93.56. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Geography and Environment

Tswagi is nestled in a region known for its breathtaking natural scenery. The northern Caucasus mountains provide a dramatic backdrop, their snow-capped peaks contrasting sharply with the lush green valleys below. The country's terrain is a mix of fertile plains and dense forests, home to a diverse array of flora and fauna. Wildlife thrives here, with animals ranging from deer and wild boar in the forests to various bird species that paint the skies.

Culture and Society

The Kingdom of Tswagi, under the rule of King Steiner, is a place where tradition meets progress. The national motto, "Truth Prevails," reflects the values held dear by its people: honesty, integrity, and justice. As an absolute monarchy, the king holds significant power, guiding the nation's development with a firm but fair hand.

Urbanization is a key focus for Tswagi's domestic policy. The government is investing in modernizing its cities, building infrastructure that supports both economic growth and improved quality of life for its citizens. This urbanization drive aims to balance progress with the preservation of Tswagi's rich cultural heritage and natural environment.

Flag and Symbolism

The national flag of Tswagi has been updated to a striking design that represents the nation's values and aspirations. The flag consists of three vertical stripes: white on the left, red in the center, and light blue on the right. Centered on the red stripe is a unique emblem – a compass star in black and yellow, surrounded by a subtle golden arc.

  • White Stripe: The white stripe symbolizes peace and purity, reflecting Tswagi's commitment to justice and truth.
  • Red Stripe: The red center stands for the bravery and strength of the Tswagi people, highlighting their resilience and courage.
  • Light Blue Stripe: The light blue stripe on the right represents the nation's vision and hope for the future, embodying the spirit of progress and innovation.
  • Compass Star Emblem: The black and yellow compass star symbolizes guidance and direction, signifying the nation's journey towards growth and modernization. The golden arcs encircling the star emphasize unity and harmony among the people of Tswagi.

This flag encapsulates the essence of Tswagi, a nation where tradition and modernity blend seamlessly, and where the guiding principle of "Truth Prevails" leads its path to a prosperous future.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Tswagi
Leader Name: Steiner
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Kingdom of Tswagi has a rich history, tracing its roots back to ancient times when it was a collection of small, independent tribes. The region was unified in the early 19th century under King Tyros I, who established the foundations of the modern state. Tswagi underwent significant modernization in the 20th century, particularly after gaining independence in 1948. The current monarchy, led by King Steiner II, has continued to balance tradition with progress, fostering both economic development and cultural preservation.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 7,000.63 sq. km
Terrain: Tswagi features a diverse terrain that includes the towering peaks of the northern Caucasus mountains, rolling fertile plains, and dense, ancient forests. The climate is predominantly temperate, with cold, snowy winters in the mountains and mild, wet winters in the lowlands. Summers are warm and ideal for agriculture and tourism. The country experiences four distinct seasons, each offering unique opportunities for various outdoor activities and contributing to the rich biodiversity of the region.
Highest Peak: Mt. Tyros, 4,823 meters
Lowest Valley: Vesper Valley, -132 meters
Climate: Described already in section "Terrain"
People & Society
Population: 406,985 people
Demonym: Tswagian
Demonym Plural: Tswagians
Ethnic Groups: Tswagians - 65.0%
Armenians - 20.0%
Russians - 14.0%
Languages: Tswagish - 75.0%
Armenian - 20.0%
Russian - 5.0%
Religions: Tswagism - 55.0%
Christianity - 20.0%
Islam - 4.0%
Life Expectancy: 74 years
Obesity: 16%
Alcohol Users: 67%
Tobacco Users: 32%
Cannabis Users: 47%
Hard Drug Users: 3%
Description: Tswagi has a mixed economy that combines elements of a free market with significant government intervention in key sectors. The government places a strong emphasis on sustainable development and social welfare, aiming to ensure a high quality of life for all citizens. Key industries include tourism, agriculture, forestry, and technology.
Average Yearly Income: $71.42
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $239,402,440.00
GDP per Capita: $588.23
Gross National Income (GNI): $152,411,590.00
Industries: Major industries include tourism, agriculture (particularly the cultivation of grapes and production of wine), forestry, and a growing technology sector focused on software development and green energy solutions.
History: The armed forces were first established in 2099 following the military coup that transformed Tswagi into a monarchy. The military plays a crucial role in national security and has been involved in various regional peacekeeping missions.

Soldiers: 13,180
Tanks: 1,139
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/14/2024 04:33 pm