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Bohavian Confederation

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Bohavian Confederation is a nation led by King Frederick VII on the continent of Europe. Bohavian Confederation's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Bohavian Confederation favors far right wing policies. The official currency of Bohavian Confederation is the Gold Standard. At 26 days old, Bohavian Confederation is a young nation. Bohavian Confederation has a population of 1,033,068 and a land area of 19,050.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 54.23. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Years after the great Pomeranian revolution, a new confederation has taken over control of the state. The Bohavian Confederation is made up of the Pomeranian peoples, united under one stable, proper and fair banner. The Bohavian Confederation has become a new light after the dark storm of the Pomeranian civil war. The new Confederation brings along a dictatorious monarchist bloodline, although not that bad in the start, their authoritarian rule became more and more tighter. The new Confederation despises Communists and Socialists, seeing them as plagues causing the world to crumble and suffer. The Bohavian Confederation has taken a highly militarized stance and an oppressive regime which silences any inside opposition.

note: i do not support nazism the anthem is just fire


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Bohavian Confederation
Leader Name: Frederick VII
Currency: Currency Image
Gold Standard
National Animal: National Animal Image
Golden eagle
History: During the birth of the HRE, the Duchy of Rosenburg was formed. It grew rapidly in size and stretched from modern-day Kaliningrad to Hamburg, Prague, Bavaria and Amsterdam. The Duchy of Rosenburg which had been at war with the HRE for a very long time was finally forced to give up, Rosenburg was only able to keep the north Germanic lands. The Duchy of Rosenburg then had a massive civil war and split into three, the Hamburg Republic which helped fight in the crusades, the Teutonic Order which also helped fight in the crusades and the peaceful Pomeranian Kingdom which would go on to accept Arab refugees and last hundreds of years due to their neutrality and firm military policy. The old Pomeranian kingdom that at that point had lasted hundreds of years was finally going downhill. The economy and civilian infrastructure collapsed after being invaded by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and having being blockaded by Sweden and France. A large workers union had risen up in Pomerania, promising a new confederation with a wealthier economy and better living standards. The workers union raided a Pomeranian fort, arming themselves with many guns and ammunition. The armed insurgents began the Pomeranian revolution, overthrowing the corrupt Pomeranian royal family. A new confederation, led by King Bohavia was established. The new confederation would come to be known as the Confederation of Bohavia, a new light in dark times.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 30,657.93 sq. km
Terrain: Mostly hilly terrain.
Highest Peak: Mt. Waldendorf, 5,493 meters
Lowest Valley: Shaver Basin, -324 meters
Climate: Rather heavy rain occurs quite often, heavy climate-related natural disasters usually occur twice a year.
People & Society
Population: 1,033,068 people
Demonym: Bohavian
Demonym Plural: Bohavians
Ethnic Groups: Pomeranians - 82.3%
Slavs - 16.7%
Arabs - 1.0%
Languages: German - 74.0%
English - 16.0%
Arabic - 10.0%
Religions: Islam - 100.0%
Christianity - 0.0%
Judaism - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 83 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Capitalist economy
Average Yearly Income: $157.51
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $996,398,096.00
GDP per Capita: $964.50
Gross National Income (GNI): $448,593,760.00
Industries: Coal, munitions, lead, all that stuff
History: The Royal Bohavian military has their roots in the Rosenburg Royal Guard. The Rosenburg army grew to at it's peak 140,000 men and at it's lowest 4,000 men. Pomerania ended up only having 20,000 men, all of which joined the insurgents during the civil war. The armed Pomeranian insurgents would end up voluntarily joining the new Bohavian Confederation military (which is called the Bohavian Armed Forces or Bohavische Streitkräfte) to continue serving and protecting the Confederation they had built with blood and tears.
Soldiers: 135,000
Tanks: 5,750
Aircraft: 129
Ships: 15
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/19/2024 08:01 am