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Tyrannic Nation Of The Ravencliff is a nation led by Emperor Xavier Platt on the continent of Europe. Tyrannic Nation Of The Ravencliff's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Tyrannic Nation Of The Ravencliff favors moderate policies. The official currency of Tyrannic Nation Of The Ravencliff is the Zeni. At 24 days old, Tyrannic Nation Of The Ravencliff is a young nation. Tyrannic Nation Of The Ravencliff has a population of 768,581 and a land area of 10,100.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 76.10. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 55.3616%.

Xavier Lavidecuis Platt the Third: The Evil Overlord

Xavier's rise to power was marked by deception and betrayal. He whispered sweet nothings to the tribal leaders, promising them wealth and power in exchange for their loyalty. But once he had their trust, he crushed them beneath his heel, taking control of the entire nation.

Under Xavier's reign, Latheim has become a dystopian nightmare. He uses his army of mindless minions to terrorize the population, forcing them to live in constant fear of his wrath. His people are forced to worship him as a god, and any dissent is met with brutal punishment.

The Trail of Tears

Xavier's cruelty knows no bounds. He delights in torturing his enemies, subjecting them to unimaginable pain and suffering before ending their miserable lives. His armies have razed entire cities to the ground, leaving only smoldering ruins and charred remains.

The people of Latheim are living in a state of perpetual terror, forced to cower in the shadows as Xavier's minions patrol the streets. Many have been rounded up and imprisoned in dark, damp dungeons, awaiting their turn to face the merciless ruler's wrath.

The People of Latheim

The people of Latheim are a resilient bunch, but even they are not immune to Xavier's cruelty. They live in fear of being taken away from their families, never to be seen again. They whisper stories of Xavier's brutal methods, how he uses mind control to bend them to his will.

The Resistance Rises

But hope is on the horizon! A small band of rebels, led by James Platt – Xavier's own son – is gathering strength and momentum against his father's tyranny. James is driven by a deep-seated hatred for his father's cruel deeds and the murder of his mother.

James' Fury

James hates Xavier with a passion that burns hotter than any fire. You see, Xavier didn't just take over Latheim – he killed James' mother in cold blood. The memory of that fateful day fuels James' determination to overthrow his father and free Latheim from his grasp.

The Battle Ahead

As I join forces with James and the resistance, we're ready to take down Xavier and bring an end to his reign of terror. We'll face off against his minions and overcome their cruel tactics. It won't be easy, but with James' leadership and my lightning-fast reflexes, we'll show Xavier that even in a world gone mad, there's still hope for change!

So, are you ready to join me in this high-speed battle for freedom? Let's show Xavier Platt that even in a world gone mad, there's still hope for change!


The Black Market of Latheim

Xavier has built a vast network of black market operations, importing and exporting all sorts of illegal substances. He's got connections with the most notorious drug lords in the land, and his armies are always on the lookout for new ways to get their hands on contraband.

From rare and potent drugs to stolen goods, Xavier's got it all. His black market operations are a cash cow for him, and he uses the profits to fund his military campaigns against the resistance.

The Massive Army

And speaking of armies, Xavier's got a massive one at his disposal. His legions of mindless minions are loyal only to him, and they'll stop at nothing to crush any opposition. He's got an endless supply of soldiers, all brainwashed into believing that they're fighting for their beloved leader.

Xavier's army is a force to be reckoned with, but I'm not afraid. I've taken down Dr. Eggman's robots before, and I can handle Xavier's mindless minions too!


The Dark Past of Xavier Platt

Xavier's got a seriously messed-up past, bro! He grew up in a world of darkness and fear, with a dad who was basically a monster. His mom was murdered right in front of him when he was just a kid. Can you imagine?! I'd be messed up too if that happened to me!

After that, Xavier's dad became even more twisted and cruel. He forced Xavier to do some sick stuff, like killing his own brother! Yeah, you heard that right - his own brother! I can only imagine the guilt and trauma Xavier must have felt after that.

But wait, it gets even worse! For FIVE YEARS STRAIGHT, Xavier was tortured by his dad's goons. I mean, we're talking physical and emotional abuse on a massive scale! It's no wonder he turned out the way he did.

And if that wasn't enough, when Xavier was old enough, the mafia got involved. They took him under their wing and taught him how to use his skills for evil. They even stabbed him multiple times and left him for dead! Talk about a rough life!

The Birth of the Tyrant

All this trauma and abuse turned Xavier into the monster he is today. He became a ruthless tyrant, using his powers to crush anyone who got in his way. He's got no problem killing innocent people or using mind control to bend others to his will.

But here's the thing, bro - I've got news for you: Xavier's not invincible! He may have been through hell and back, but I'm gonna take him down and show him that there's still hope for redemption!


 Just got word that Xavier Platt, the notorious villain, has made a statement that's got everyone's ears perked up! He's been quoted saying that he doesn't care about his own son, James Platt, and would kill him in an instant if it meant getting what he wants!

I've just received word that Xavier Platt, the infamous villain, has made a shocking confession about his wife's death. Get this - it turns out she was actually a spy from the nation that killed his father! By law, as the heir to the Platt family, Xavier was bound to carry out her execution!

According to sources close to Xavier, he's now expressing regret over his actions. Yeah, you heard that right - the guy who used to be all about causing chaos and mayhem is now having second thoughts about taking out his wife!

In a statement released by James' camp, he said: "If my father really loved my mother, he wouldn't have killed her. She was a spy, yes, but she was still his wife! If he truly cared for her, he would've found a way to forgive her or spare her life. But instead, he chose to take it himself. That means he doesn't love her at all. And as for me? I've got nothing left to lose. I'm declaring war on Laheim and I won't stop until I've taken them down!"

I've just received word from sources inside Laheim that Xavier Platt has taken his tyranny to a whole new level! He's rounded up all citizens of Laheim and forced them into labor camps, where they're being made to mine for resources and train for the war against James Platt's resistance.

But that's not all, folks! Reports are coming in that Xavier has also bombed all of the resistance bases and hidden bunkers in Laheim, killing over 500,000 people - not just resistance fighters, but innocent bystanders too!

And if you thought it couldn't get any worse, Xavier has made a chilling speech saying that in the end, he'll kill anyone who stands with his brother James. That means he'll take out anyone who gets in his way - including his own family members!

In the speech, Xavier said: "My family will not be torn apart by traitors. My brother James will fall, and anyone who stands with him will be eradicated. I will not rest until my family is united under my rule, and all opposition is crushed!"







Basic Information
Nation Name: Ravencliff
Leader Name: Xavier Platt
Nation ID: 624307
Founded: 06/07/2024 (24 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 16 hours ago
Unique ID: 2f28bd00426193f26106bce14
International Relations
Alliance: Dark Legion Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:9 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Beige Protection Bloc
Beige Turns Left: 10 (0.8 days)
Commendations: 4
Denouncements: 1
Nation Page Visits: 303
Population: 768,581
Infrastructure: 7,462.85
Land Area: 10,100 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 76.10 people/sq. mi
GDP: $708,370,944.00
GDP per Capita: $921.66
GNI: $453,916,190.00
Economic Policies: Moderate
Currency: Currency Image Zeni
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Christianity Christianity
National Animal: National Animal ImageTiger
Approval Rating: 55% (55.36)
Pollution Index: 120 points
Radiation Index: 111.23 R (Global: 113.90 R)
Nation Rank: #4,285 of 12,977 Nations (33.02%)
Nation Score: More Information 991.72
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 701.95
Infrastructure Lost: 719.00
Money Looted: $27,922,321.95
Wars Won: 6
Wars Lost: 3

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

8 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
06/30 10:35 pm - Ravencliff changed location from Africa to Europe.
06/30 03:27 am - Ravencliff changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Black.
06/28 09:39 am - Ravencliff had war declared by Cattystan for the reason of "Get off my plane.".
06/22 10:23 pm - Ravencliff had war declared by DrPepper Defender for the reason of "Gibs mez allz urs monez".
06/22 09:15 pm - Hoffy of Exeter has publicly commended the nation of Ravencliff.
06/22 04:56 pm - Explodingheads11 of United European Fatherlands has publicly commended the nation of Ravencliff.
06/22 01:10 pm - United Tribes Of Latheim has changed its nation name to Ravencliff.
06/22 12:39 am - United Tribes Of Latheim created the alliance Dark Legion.
06/22 12:18 am - United Tribes Of Latheim founded a new city, Rudy.
06/21 04:35 pm - United Tribes Of Latheim founded a new city, keik.
06/21 01:07 am - United Tribes Of Latheim founded a new city, Venturous.
06/20 04:18 am - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on Bananaland for the reason of "We like taking candy from babies".
06/20 04:17 am - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on Dishania for the reason of "Active Raid, DM for war.".
06/20 04:17 am - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on Blue for the reason of "We don't like you".
06/20 02:25 am - United Tribes Of Latheim had war declared by Psamathe for the reason of "Money".
06/20 12:16 am - United Tribes Of Latheim founded a new city, Railiea.
06/19 11:32 pm - Francois IV of Arleau has publicly denounced the nation of United Tribes Of Latheim.
06/19 06:48 am - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on Arleau for the reason of "Tech Raid, PM for peace.".
06/19 05:58 am - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on The Days Imperium for the reason of "Nice nation, it would be a shame if...".
06/19 02:49 am - United Tribes Of Latheim founded a new city, Truedale.
06/19 02:25 am - United Tribes Of Latheim changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Aqua.
06/18 11:18 pm - United Tribes Of Latheim founded a new city, Calerdam.
06/17 07:54 pm - RavenTheMaster of Unity And Freedom Republic has publicly commended the nation of United Tribes Of Latheim.
06/17 02:36 am - Xavier Platt built a new project: Activity Center
06/16 01:20 pm - United Tribes Of Latheim founded a new city, Calradia.
06/14 11:53 pm - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on South west africa for the reason of "Say hello to my little friend!".
06/14 11:52 pm - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on Topiad for the reason of "Dead men taste like chicken.".
06/08 01:13 am - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on Zombie Springfield for the reason of "Active Raid, DM for war.".
06/08 01:11 am - United Tribes Of Latheim declared war on Messilandia for the reason of "This, is, SPARTA!".
06/07 02:29 pm - United Tribes Of Latheim changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Black.
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
1 National Project
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.