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The United Territories of Rhodas is a nation led by Prime Minister Lukon Ataris on the continent of Africa. The United Territories of Rhodas's government is a Democratic Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The United Territories of Rhodas favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The United Territories of Rhodas is the Dollar. At 32 days old, The United Territories of Rhodas is an established nation. The United Territories of Rhodas has a population of 1,468,774 and a land area of 16,200.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 90.67. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 41.1654%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Rhodas
Leader Name: Lukon Ataris
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The nation of Rhodas has a history dating back to around five hundred BCE, Mediterranean seafaring civilizations established trading outposts on the Ivory Coast of Africa. A few centuries following this, the settlements evolved into small city-states, governed by local chieftains. Around this same era, an explorer from Etrus embarked on a journey and landed on the Ivory Coast, his name was Rhodus. It is rumored that he formed a crucial trading agreement with the Ivory Coast settlements, and even helped push the construction of the ancient capital of Rhodas, Rhodapolis. Alas, due to its distance from Etrus, Rhodapolis faded into history or was assimilated into the surrounding city-states.

It isn't until the Colonial Era, when European colonial powers arrive on the shores of West Africa, that the territories that make up present day Rhodas become relevant. This introduction saw what many other African territories experienced, but for Rhodas, resulted in plentiful benefits from infrastructure development, agricultural booms, and trade agreements. A byproduct of these interactions also resulted in the Rhodanian language which is a blend of Arabic, Etrusca, French, and local dialects.

Fast forwarding to the late 1900s, around the sixties, the various city-states in Rhodas come together to form the United Territories of Rhodas (UToR) under the first elected Prime Minister, Patrice Nkrumah. In recent decades, Rhodas has become a beacon of stability and development in West Africa, with an economy thriving on tourism, agriculture, and uranium mining. The United Territories wish to become a shining example of sustainable energy as well, by using nuclear power as a foundation for power production infrastructure.
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 26,071.31 sq. km
Terrain: The United Territories of Rhodas boast a very diverse terrain makeup. Stunning coastal planes along the Ivory Coast sport sandy beaches, lagoons, estuaries, and lush vegetation, with fishing villages and small port towns dotted in buildable areas. Where freshwater meets the sea there rests mangrove forests with absurd biodiversity, while also protecting the coastline from erosion and serving as a natural barrier against storm surges. Transitioning inland, there rests a vast savannah grassland that makes up the largest expanse of Rhodas terrain. While less numerous, one can find rolling hills, river valleys, and even highlands with plateaus.
Highest Peak: Mount Khamet, 2,340 meters
Lowest Valley: Ebena Valley, 10 meters
Climate: Broken down into the various biomes, the coastal climate experiences regular, tropical monsoons. The average temperature ranges from 24 and 30 degrees Celsius throughout the year, with 79 annual inches of rainfall. Humidity levels often exceed 80%.

The Savannah region is tropical, with distinct wet and dry seasons. The average temperature range varies more here, from 20 to 35 degrees Celsius, the hottest months being March and April. The rainfall can range from 39 to 56 inches during the wet season and little to no inches over the dry season. As follows, humidity reflects this by being higher during the wet season and lower during the dry season.

The Highlands are considered subtropical, experiencing cooler and wetter climate. The temperature here ranges from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, with higher elevations experiencing even cooler temperatures, especially at night. Rainfall is at a steady 35 inches annually and is more evenly distributed throughout the year. As a result the humidity is generally lower than the other biomes in Rhodas.
People & Society
Population: 1,468,774 people
Demonym: Rhodanian
Demonym Plural: Rhodanian
Ethnic Groups: Rhodanian - 60.0%
West African - 25.0%
Egyptian - 15.0%
Languages: Rhodanian - 90.0%
French - 80.0%
West African - 80.0%
Religions: Coptic Christianity - 79.0%
Sunni Islam - 18.0%
Rabbinic Judaism - 3.0%
Life Expectancy: 68 years
Obesity: 15%
Alcohol Users: 60%
Tobacco Users: 50%
Cannabis Users: 30%
Hard Drug Users: 10%
Description: Rhodas as a Social Democratic economy, which places value in Capitalism but prioritizes social welfare and economic equity, while embracing principles in free-market enterprise. Rhodas employs a robust social safety net among its populace, providing effective welfare programs, universal healthcare coverage, and subsidized initiatives in various sectors to ensure basic needs are met for all citizens.

Rhodas utilizes progressive taxation, with higher tax rates for wealthier individuals and corporations. Revenue generated from taxation is reinvested into social programs, infrastructure development, education, environmental stability, and healthcare.

Entrepreneurship is promoted through the use of SME grants, loans, and incubator programs. Start-ups and innovative businesses are encouraged to thrive within this framework of responsible capitalism. This results in economic diversification, which carry Rhodas beyond traditional agricultural and mining sectors. Investments are often made in technology and manufacturing businesses to foster more employment opportunities while increasing said diversity.
Average Yearly Income: $149.08
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2,874,019,996.00
GDP per Capita: $1,956.75
Gross National Income (GNI): $2,244,749,270.00
Industries: While Rhodas' economic diversification is underway, its powerhouse industries are still agriculture and mining, due to the abundance of uranium and bauxite in areas that were unfit for residential zoning, allowing for unobstructed exploitation of minerals.

Rhodas' agricultural sector is also booming thanks to advances in non-invasive, all natural pesticides utilizing the least amount of damaging chemicals possible.
History: The Rhodanian Military is still in the process of coming into fruition, but has plans to jump straight into modernization, with both imported and domestic technology used to manufacture equipment and an emphasis in quality over quantity when it comes to military training. Rhodas is a volunteer service nation and will remain that way unless in times of great, war-caused strife.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 22
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/04/2024 06:51 pm