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The Enlightened Republic of Kepos is a nation led by Prisma Raine on the continent of Europe. The Enlightened Republic of Kepos's government is a Socialist Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Enlightened Republic of Kepos favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Enlightened Republic of Kepos is the Strahl. At 111 days old, The Enlightened Republic of Kepos is a mature nation. The Enlightened Republic of Kepos has a population of 339,148 and a land area of 3,250.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 104.35. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 58.5509%.

The Keporan citizens were not always here, on Orbis. Scientists from another world found a strange property of Light and believed they had found God, in a strange illusion known as "the Kepos effect," discovered by scientist Kepos Day. It was that strange illusion that transported them here, to Orbis, to another world. The thousands displaced to Orbis are now doing their best to rebuild their lives in this strange new land. They will find the Light. They will create The Promised Land.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Kepos
Leader Name: Raine
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: It started as science, the studies. Scientists in Germany and Denmark have been researching the properties of Light and found some mysterious things in the process. Mirages that were real, illusions of a door to another world brought into fruition. It started as curiosity, then grew into a strange belief. Magic, even. There were indeed some very strange properties to Light, something scientists referred to as "the Kepos effect." Perhaps it was an Angel. Maybe even God, some thought.

One day, it brought thousands here, to another world. To Orbis.

The people of Kepos are growing now, gaining Orbis natives immigrating from elsewhere, but still are looking further into the mysteries of what brought them here, while settling into a new life, under a new flag, one of the Light. The first, and thus far only Prisma, the elected ruler of Kepos, is Reese Raine, former Dutch scientist and a friend to Kepos Day, discoverer of the Kepos effect. Prisma Raine hopes to bring Kepos prosperity, not to bring them home, but to make Kepos home.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 5,230.36 sq. km
Terrain: Kepos is in a territory similar to that of Denmark. As of now, it's a small peninsula in the north, close to sea level, with similar highs and lows.
Highest Peak: Sternhügel, 171 meters
Lowest Valley: Der Fjord der Brechung, -7 meters
Climate: The Keporan climate is also similar to that of Denmark, with much rain and a colder average temperature, being located next to the sea.
People & Society
Population: 339,148 people
Demonym: Keporan
Demonym Plural: Keporans
Ethnic Groups: European - 71.0%
Orbisian - 20.0%
A Mysterious, Unknown Group - 9.0%
Languages: German - 70.0%
Dutch - 25.0%
English - 5.0%
Religions: Light - 51.0%
Christianity - 33.0%
Judaism - 16.0%
Life Expectancy: 80 years
Obesity: 1.2%
Alcohol Users: 41%
Tobacco Users: 0.9%
Cannabis Users: 3%
Hard Drug Users: 0.2%
Description: The Enlightened Republic takes much inspiration from Scandinavian nations- that is to say, socialist. Most of the industries in Kepos are state-owned, and resources are shared as much as possible to encourage the growth of all Keporan peoples.
Average Yearly Income: $46.18
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $170,635,606.00
GDP per Capita: $503.13
Gross National Income (GNI): $96,265,830.00
Industries: Kepos is still a fledgling country in Orbis and thus has no standout industries as of yet. Fishing, however, is doing well.
History: Kepos is still a fledgling country in Orbis and thus its military is still quite small. The capital of Himmellicht, however, is being well fortified against threats.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 25
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/29/2024 05:47 pm