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The Painted Court

The Painted Court is a nation led by Sugaar-Drac Zainda Galtzagorri-Aloja on the continent of Africa. The Painted Court's government is a Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Painted Court favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Painted Court is the Gold Standard. At 34 days old, The Painted Court is an established nation. The Painted Court has a population of 735,971 and a land area of 5,750.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 127.99. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

The Kingdom of the Painted Court, a land kissed by the sea, sun, and earth, boasts a rich tapestry of cultures. Its national colors, blue, green, and orange, mirror the vast ocean, fertile fields, and mineral-rich soil that define its landscape. The Orphiotaurus, a majestic creature of bull and serpent, stands as a symbol of the kingdom's strength and resilience. A unique blend of Basque, Andalusian, and Moroccan heritage shapes the Painted Court's identity. Their melodic language, vibrant cuisine, and diverse architecture reflect this fusion, as do their lively music, passionate dances, and cherished traditions. Led by the esteemed Galtzagorri-Aloja lineage, the kingdom thrives under the rule of Sugaar-Drac Zainda, a visionary monarch who champions progress and unity. From fishermen casting nets in azure waters to farmers tending emerald fields and artisans crafting intricate treasures, the people of the Painted Court share an unwavering spirit, a deep connection to their land, and an unyielding pride in their vibrant kingdom.

Basic Information
Nation Name: The Painted Court VIP
Leader Name: Galtzagorri-Aloja
Nation ID: 621218
Founded: 05/23/2024 (34 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 4 hours ago
Discord Username:orbponderer1999
Unique ID: b1ab9e5543a2dc750ac0c6a29
International Relations
Alliance: Singularity Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:31 days
Color Trade Bloc: Singularity Owns Blue
Commendations: 4
Denouncements: 0
Nation Page Visits: 512
Recent Visitors: VIP Only 3 nations from 2 alliances in past 24 hours
Population: 735,971
Infrastructure: 5,974.59
Land Area: 5,750 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 127.99 people/sq. mi
GDP: $725,091,437.00
GDP per Capita: $985.22
GNI: $345,728,365.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Gold Standard
Government Type: Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Open Markets Open Markets Icon
Social Policies: Liberal
State Religion: Church and State are Seperate Church and State are Seperate
National Animal: National Animal ImageOphiotaurus
Approval Rating: 100% (193.35)
Pollution Index: 0 points
Radiation Index: 302.47 R (Global: 322.90 R)
OBL Team: Bulls
Nation Rank: #4,807 of 12,897 Nations (37.27%)
Nation Score: More Information 785.40
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 10,982.13
Infrastructure Lost: 137.00
Money Looted: $240,488,274.68
Wars Won: 61
Wars Lost: 0

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

5 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
06/25 06:46 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Quibeq for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/25 06:44 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Cheng Zhao for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/24 08:21 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Puerla for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/24 06:07 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Republic of Rundia for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/24 04:46 pm - The Painted Court declared war on The Darvesh Empire for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/22 08:09 pm - The Painted Court declared war on New Allaine for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/22 06:06 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Dynhe for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/22 06:06 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Crees for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/22 06:05 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Riddim Republic for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/22 05:03 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Laptonia for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/22 12:06 pm - Galtzagorri-Aloja built a new project: Intelligence Agency
06/20 06:13 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Altani for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/20 06:13 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Ouoslevian for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/20 06:12 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Kalashnikova for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/20 04:03 pm - The Painted Court declared war on holy germany kaiserreich for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/20 04:02 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Larrenti Confederacy for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/18 06:33 pm - The Painted Court declared war on sigma nation for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/18 06:32 pm - The Painted Court declared war on dnnwnwn for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/18 06:32 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Mitaka for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/18 01:07 am - The Painted Court declared war on Magnaterra for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/17 07:35 pm - The Painted Court declared war on pesadilandia for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/16 02:38 am - The Painted Court declared war on Republic of Gowen for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/16 02:38 am - The Painted Court declared war on Ashiristan for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/16 02:36 am - The Painted Court declared war on Alpha Sigma for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/16 02:35 am - The Painted Court declared war on Lechiaa for the reason of "For the Glory of The Seabulls".
06/15 04:26 am - The Painted Court declared war on Rheinstaat for the reason of "For the Glory of the Sea Bulls".
06/14 06:15 pm - Yami Vi Britannia of Juicebox has publicly commended the nation of The Painted Court.
06/14 04:34 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Myrela for the reason of "For the glory of the Seabulls".
06/13 02:14 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Canadian Frostland for the reason of "For the glory of the Seabulls".
06/13 01:39 pm - The Painted Court declared war on Ioannia for the reason of "For the glory of the Seabulls".
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
2 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.